Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Today I'm congratulating myself on all of my accomplishments.  Some are small, some a little bigger.

1.  I didn't eat that piece of cake that I was going to.
2.  I got caught up on laundry (well, is ever truly caught up?  no, but I'm so close)
3.  I tackled my sons bedroom- its not done- but we made great progress so far!
4.  I cleaned the kitchen and the laundry room.

 I did take a lot of breaks.  I really hope that my tiredness will go away from losing weight and getting into shape again.  That would be nice.

I took some vitamins today- something that I don't always remember to do- but have to start to.  I didn't do my food journal today- but I can write in what I ate tomorrow.  I hate having a food journal.  It's completely retarded to me to do that.  OK, now I'm getting off topic.

Tomorrow is my visit with the shrink- not sure if she's an assistant or what - but the guy is the leader and she's definitely in a secondary kind of a role.  She seems pretty nice- not shrink-like to me.  It's all part of the process for getting approved for surgery. 

Oh, I did find out yesterday (or 2 days ago now that its past midnight) that my regular Dr. had the gastric bypass too- about 4 years ago- that's a huge bonus to me.  I like my Dr.  I hate the staff that works with her, except for one of the nurses- she's nice- the rest are morons- especially the receptionists. 

Wow, way off topic- but its not a novel I'm writing- just my thoughts and journey....and this journey has just begun.

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