Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some people need to just shut up

I'm in a bad mood.  I had a rough day (cat escaped and I had to chase him down- he finally returned, on and on with all kinds of annoyances).

Then I get a phone call.  A most annoying phone call.   It's purpose was nice enough- an invite to somewhere on Thursday... but Thursday I have one of a zillion appointments with Dr.s regarding my surgery and the whole process.  It's in Akron and that's a 1-1/2 hr drive for me each way and its a 2 hour appointment- so that means that I wasn't able to make it for the invitation on Thursday.  Here's where I get annoyed:  I got asked what I was doing,  I'm not telling anyone at this time- or maybe ever.  It's none of their business.  When I wouldn't say what it was they tried to guess.  OK, now you're REALLY testing my patience-- and after the horrible day I had today is NOT the day for this. 

The thing then got worse as the "guess" was really something that I had confided in with someone (their mother) and swore her to secrecy about.  No one else should know about it if she kept their mouth shut.  But did she? NO,  So I'm double mad. 

I'm so completely over the top angry right now.  And what am I about to do?  Have a piece of cake.  Because I want to.

I never claimed to be perfect.

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