Sunday, October 17, 2010


I've decided to make a huge change in my life.  It's going to be really really really huge. 
Well, speaking of really really really huge-- I've put on weight.... lots of it in the past 15 years.  I've been sick of the weight for a while and have tried on and off with various weight loss programs, diet, exercise, etc-- and I always gain it back - plus 5-10 more than I started with before the diet. 

Frustrated and discouraged (for a while now)- I made a choice:  For weight reduction surgery.  I really am not a fan of the Roux en Y (gastric bypass) surgery.  That has lots of risks and you are stuck with absorption issues with vitamins and nutrients.  I know lots of people with massive hair loss, etc from it-- so, pass.

I then looked into the Lap Band (there are several brand names for the band, Lap Band is just one of them) and I have a friend that had the procedure.  She let me tag along with her to see the maintenance of the band - which there's a lot of it.... While I was there, the nurse talked to me about a newer procedure called "The Sleeve".  After looking at all of my options and talking to another girl that had the Sleeve, I really think this is the way to go. 

I called the Cleveland Clinic and they told me that my insurance would only cover $15k of the procedure and that I'd be out of pocket $23k.  I cried.  I don't have $23k to spend on it- so- I decided to keep shopping.  I'm a huge cheapskate and can spot a deal with anything- so I started looking and came across Akron Hospital.  Their procedure costs $23k and that's only if you are self paying-- with my insurance (at least how it is now in 2010) it would cover all of the costs with nothing out of pocket for me (minus co-pays and deductibles, which I can totally handle).  A big sigh of relief came over me. 

I spoke with Kellie (surgeon's secretary and right hand woman)- who's completely awesome and really has helped me through the process.  She actually had the Roux En Y herself from the surgeon she works for.  She's not what you call 'skinny' but she's not dangerously overweight either.  She looks a little chubby (although way smaller than I am currently).  I think it's been about 3 years since her procedure,  maybe more.

So- this is my journey.  This blog.  I'm calling it 13 bracelets because I decided that for every 10 lbs. of weight loss, I'm going to treat myself to a new bracelet.  I'll wear them all at once.  I haven't decided what kind of bracelet(s) they'll be yet- but will figure that out soon enough. 

I have 13 bracelets worth of weight to lose-- (yikes) and then I'll be at my ideal weight.

I'll update on my journey as I have time - I have a lot going on in my life, but it's important that I do update this regularly and keep track of my feelings and progress- it'll help until the surgery date- which is still yet to be determined- but HOPEFULLY early spring of 2011.  (more on that later)

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