Friday, March 4, 2011

Finally things are starting to go forward

I haven't blogged in a while because really there wasn't much to blog about.  There finally is stuff to talk about again and I have a renewed sense of excitement.

Now, where to start?

I technically am on my last month of the Dr. Assisted diet with the weigh ins.  Which I really didn't take too seriously to be honest.  I've lost 2 lbs according to the Surgeons scales- which I have tons of excuses why it was only 2 down-- I'll skip that for now.

Bottom line:  I need to lose 8 lbs (to complete my 10 criteria) in the next 4 weeks.  If I do that then he will schedule a surgery date for me.
I'm done with seeing the shrink- it was a complete waste of my time. 
I have a class and a sleep apnea test on April 8th.  I got the day already approved off at work.
I have an operation on April 15th.  Its really just a scope to look inside me and make sure everything is ok for surgery- but they knock you out for it and give you pain medication for afterwards- I guess I can't drive for 24 hours after. 

 I found out that I have a low thyroid (5.6 or something) so I just started taking Synthroid.  I posted on facebook that I'm taking it and a ton of other people are on that too.  They all say it helps.  I hope that will fix my exhaustion issues.  I increased my vitamin D a little- I'm at 29.5 which is still bad (it should be between 40-100).  I would love to have my D at 50 before surgery. 

I could actually have this surgery within the next 3 months.  That is quite exciting to me.

I was going to have a person to go thru this with at work, but she backed out of it and decided to not have the surgery.  Its totally her decision, but it would've been nice to go thru this with someone.

I'm very glad that the thyroid issue was discovered.  It makes me feel validated a little to have a reason for being so tired all the time.  I've only been on it for 2 days - so I see no difference.

Telling people about the surgery ---
I told my mom from the get-go.  She's known forever.  I told a few friends on facebook and other close friends that I trust and my managers too and a few people I sit near (they're going to be hearing me talk to Drs and stuff so I wanted to just tell them so they weren't guessing what I was doing)
I told one of my sisters and a sister in law.  They both had tons of concerns and way too many questions- so I'm really backing off of telling people for a while.  It was really draining for me to go into depth on the procedures and how I came to the decision and all that stuff.  So I haven't told my other sister yet.  Its nothing against her, its just that I really can't handle going thru all of the explanation again right now.  I will eventually tell her- but I'm just not ready to.  I still haven't decided what I'll tell people as they see me shrinking.  I'll be dieting and working out all the time- so diet and exercise is the truth... I don't really want to say 'I had the surgery' because I feel like people will then downplay my efforts to lose weight and get into shape again.  I want all the credit. LOL

Paul is starting to come around and be supportive.  He wasn't unsupportive (sure, that's a word) before, but he's starting to take an interest in things - at least a little.  I'm happy with the amount of interest he's taking. Too much and I'd get angry- none and I'd get angry too.  He knows me pretty well.  :)

 I joined the gym at work a month or so ago.  I actually really go- once a week.  I need to start going more.  Eventually I have to go 5 times a week 30-60 minutes a day.  I'll get there.

I ran into 'I had cancer' (I call her that because EVERY time you talk to her she mentions that she had cancer at least 100 times) - well she just had her surgery 2 weeks ago and she is down 14 lbs already.  She had the sleeve too and she weighs close to what I do I'd guess.  So that was super encouraging to see that its working so well for her already.  And, yes, she did mention that she had cancer when I talked to her. 


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