Friday, March 25, 2011

I resisted the Bacon and Cheese biscuit!

Woo hoo-- I didn't get the food that I was craving.  Yesterday though I kinda did bad.  I had ice cream.  I ate hardly anything all day- so calorie-wise I was probably in a good range- but sugars and carbs were way high.  I need to weigh myself tonight.  I have 2 weeks left until my big qualifying weigh in.  Time to REALLY get serious.  Depending on how tonights weigh in goes, I may start the cabbage soup diet.  I hate that diet- but I have to make my weight.  I also need to work out tonight for at least 1/2 hour.  I keep dreaming about kick boxing.  I think I wanna take a class (after I shed a few lbs first- can you imagine a fat chick trying to kick box?)

Oh, in other news- I told my sister.

It went way better than I thought it was going to go- I was dreading it and she was supportive and surprisingly excited for me. 

My mom has a colonoscopy on Tuesday so I have to drive her to Cleveland for that and then my sister has an operation to remove something on her shoulder in May.  I'm hoping my surgery will be when hers is- or about the same time- hers is the end of May which is the target that I am really hoping for.

Upcoming junk:
April 5th - Sleep Apnea test 8:30 pm
April 8th - morning class (my second time taking it- there's a lot of info, I may take it a third time)
April 15th- my scope surgery in Akron

It's getting closer and closer-- I can't wait!!

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