Thursday, March 31, 2011

Such a headache!

I woke up late again today and with a pounding headache.  Caffeine withdrawl?  Pretty sure it is.  I need to grab some headache medicine or something soon here.  No pop sucks.  Time for some nice water-- with flavoring.  I ate 1/2 the pot of soup yesterday- I think I'll need to make more tonight- I really thought it was going to last me a whole week-- well I guess when you eat almost nothing else it goes fast.

Here's what I ate on Weds:
  • numerous bowls of soup 
  • 1/2 apple
  • lots of water (flavored of course)
  • a tiny smoothie made of strawberries, bananas, high protein yogurt and skim milk  (that was the only fruit thing I had in the house so since it had bananas in it, I drank very little of it- just a few sips)
I bought some Ensure and Viactiv chews for later - they were on sale and coupons so I stocked up a little on them- 

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