Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ughh! I did terrible today!

I got a call from my mom that she needed me to pick her up for her appt at 8AM... so I got breakfast at McDonald's-- then I had Panera for lunch and then steak and toast for dinner.  I did so bad.  Today was supposed to be day one of the cabbage soup diet- but now that will be tomorrow instead. 

I almost bought a new scale yesterday--- then I didn't-- today I almost bought batteries for my digital scale and my card was declined (?) so I didn't.  Very odd how nothing was working out for me to buy new scale items.  Oh well.  Tomorrow is the big yucky diet day.

My sister just told us they were moving to NC but now it looks like they won't be.  I'm kinda glad about it- I think they are pretty upset though.  NC is a long drive away for me to see my nephews.

Last night Paul took 'before' pics of me.  I did a front left right and back shot.  I tried not to actually look at the pictures.  I still don't know if I'll ever post them- even though no one really knows about my blog.  You just never know when someone may stumble across something online. 

I told my mom my starting weight.   I can't believe I told her- although it is kinda easy to figure out from some of the clues on this blog.   When I'm far removed from this weight it should be easier to say the number- but for now it still seems shameful to say something so so big.  I know there's worse.  300, 400, 500 etc... I'm no where near those numbers- but still-- 2 anything is just yucky.

Tomorrow: fruit and soup... mmm-mmm.  Can't wait!

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