Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Making the gross soup... I mean delicious soup!

The soup is on the stove now simmering.  I just took my Synthroid medicine so I can't eat for about an hour or so- which should be about the time the soup is done.  I make it different than Paul does.  I let the veggies sit in the hot pan for a while first to kinda get them cooking a bit- I don't think he does that- I think he boils them all - I like my cabbage as wilty as possible so I can barely notice its there.

Target has a sale on MiO drink mix- $3.50 each- WYB 2 you get a free 24 pack of water.  I have 2 $1 off coupons also - so $5 for for 2 drink mixes plus a case of water is a great deal.  The drink mixes are $4 each at Giant Eagle- so I went yesterday and they were sold out- but they were hoping to get more today on the truck-- so hopefully I can run up there today and stock up on some.  That would be nice.  I need to drink 100% water and nothing else now.  That's going to be the biggest change I have to make.  I had my 'last few pops' last night at WL.  Man, I did so bad yesterday.  I took a handful of Senekot to try to reverse some of that.    

I have a plan- to have the most fun ever this week with shopping, watching funny movies, etc- so that it distracts me from the horrors of the disgusting diet.  I wonder if I could throw the soup in the blender and drink it?  Hmm... I might have to try that later if I get super sick of it.

Oh yeah, I made my soup a little different than the directions below...
1 bunch of organic green onions, chopped
1 bag of coleslaw mix
1 large green pepper
1 bottle of V8 Juice
1 packet of Onion and Mushroom Lipton soup mix
2 TBS of Beef Boullion
1 bottle worth of water (I filled the V8 bottle to measure)
a dash of onion salt, garlic powder

I hate celery with a passion so that's not included in this.  It might be in the V8 juice, but at least I can't taste it.

I sprayed the pot with cooking spray.  Threw in the onions, coleslaw mix, green peppers and let it cook on high heat for a few minutes.  When the cabbage was reduced to about 1/2 then I added in the juice and the rest of it.  I stirred, tasted and decided it needed the boullion.  It may even need a little more in the end.  I want the soup to reduce a little before I eat it.  As long as Paul stays away from it, it should last me the whole week

***Update later***
The soup is actually pretty good!  It needs to be served very hot and I let it simmer for so long that it condensed a bit- so its good-- yay.  I've been doing really well today.  Now to find a working scale and see progress....

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