Tuesday, May 31, 2011

OK body, point taken....

I ate food-- real food.  (3 pieces of small, thin lunchmeat and a touch of ricotta cheese).  Needless to say, it didn't stay down.  This is the 2nd  time I ate something and it happened.  The other time was when I had a bite of chicken fried rice- then thought- wow this is good, I want just a little more... my stomach is telling me no- I can't have that... I guess its good in a way- so I won't have any chance at all of gaining weight. 

Today I woke up at a respectable time.  Yippee.  I even did a little housework,  Emphasis on little.  I'd really love to go clothes shopping!  Not a whole new wardrobe kind of thing- just a little bit of new things to replace some of the old junk that doesn't fit anymore.  Energy is the only thing holding me back.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I wanna be under 200


Bracelet #2

I flew by bracelet #2 while I was sleeping and recuperating... 244 is #2... and I'm nearly at bracelet #3 (a few more days) Today the scale said 237. 
I walked into the hospital weighing 258. 
Week 1: Lost 17 lbs  (241)
Week 2 so far:  4 lbs  (237)

So far I've lost 21 lbs after surgery!  :)  Hurray!

From my highest weight of 280- I am down a total of 43 lbs. 

Today Evan said 'mom you're skinnier down there' pointing to my butt.  Yay- he can tell I lost some weight- its pretty noticeable to me.  Not sure if anyone else will notice or not though.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playing with tracker junk


I had surgery!

So the big day came and went.  The whole ride down I was thinking of chickening out.  When I was getting undressed, I wanted to chicken out.  i was about to say something, then they drugged me up... I am glad I went thru it.  It needed to be done. 

Here's as brief of play by play I can do:

Night before- Evan went to my sisters house to spend the night.
6:00AM- got up and cleaned up, finished packing, took off my ring and we drove to Akron.  We were just a hair early.  Then we waited in the waiting room - they asked about my allergies 'Dilaudid, penacillin, codeine'.  I think I told 10 different people that day my allergies.  When I got into the area where you're kinda prepped before surgery, they told me there was a last minute emergency in the ER and Dr. Chlysta was pushing back my surgery by about 2 hours or so.  We waited and waited... then at I have no idea what time 1?2?3?  I was finally being wheeled into the OR.  I don't really remember much of that at all. 
When I woke up in recovery, Paul was there with me and I hear the person saying 'we just gave her dilaudid....' and my son was too young to come upstairs.  Oh boy.  I told them about the allergy, then said, 'Look, I won't make a big deal about the dialudid and you get my son up here right now.'  I was shocked they made such a dumb mistake- thankfully I just get massive hives from it- not die or anything... benadryl was given but I was still itchy for quite a while.

Evan came up to see me - he was a little freaked out- they gave me gifts.  I fell back asleep from the benadryl- I guess I was talking and all of a sudden my face went limp or something and I started fading out- so everyone left. 

I got to my room and they removed the cathader.  I needed to get cleaned up so I went to the bathroom- I had to really push to go pee.  It was weird.  They said that was from the cathader.  (I don't know how to spell cathader).  Then I had to walk.  I walked the whole floor like a normal person at normal speed.  All the nurses were shouting things like 'go speedy!' my attendant with me shouted back 'she just got out of OR'. 

Lots more walking around, lots of sleeping, lots of drugs, the days blended together (and still kinda do)

They gave me a PINT of Vicotin.  A pint?  Who am I? Courtney Love?  I have a ton left.  I stopped taking it days ago.  Paul wants to keep it around in case he gets a migraine (which happens every now and then).  I'm on Tylenol (liquid adult kind).

Eating is weird, I'm sick of talking about eating and the crappy food I'm allowed to have right now- so I'll save that for some other time.

The good stuff:
Day of surgery (Weds 5/18) I weighed 258 according to my scale.
Today (Tues 5/24) I weigh 242.  16 down and it's not quite a week yet.  Some of that weight was new weight from the week long not looking at what I was eating because I'll never have it again pig out session.  I gained 7 lbs that week so much of that 16 I lost was 'new weight' so not all that impressive.  I loved seeing the scale go thru the 240's pretty fast though (a matter of just a few days) and I hope it flies thru the 230's and 220's the same way. 

My buddy that had the sleeve is now 6 lbs away from being in the 100's.  I can't wait til I can say that- it'll be a huge hurdle to get over! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Countdown to surgery: 2 days

Wow- 2 days...
Later today I'll be getting my big check in the mail.  I also took the day off of work so I can finish all the pesky things I need to do around the house.  My sister is keeping Evan overnight on Tuesday for me so I won't have to worry about him.  She's also going to pick me up on Friday- I'm very thankful for that. 

I need to figure out what I need to drink for the next 2 days before I go to bed to coat my stomach- I can't recall what on earth it was that they told me to take Milk of Magnesia?  I don't recall at all. 

I also get to find out about the money issues.  Yay for money issues (sarcasm).

Evan's going to be excited to spend the night at Noah's house- they are best buddies- he'll be so thrilled to go over there.

Countdown to Surgery: 3 days

The house is a disaster.
I've been eating poorly.
My allergies are going nuts.

Not too nervous today.  I think I got rid of a lot of the money jitters the other day.  No sense in worrying about it til tomorrow when I find out more info.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today I was a slug

I did nothing today. Well, I got the mail, fed Evan and made brownies- but that's it.  Slug city.  Its been raining and I have a headache- party from caffeine, not taking my medicine yet, and probably being dehydrated a bit from not having anything to drink yet today. 

I have so much to do and I'm being so lazy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Countdown to Surgery: 4 days

I know it's just after midnight, but 4 days left.... wow!  That's getting scarier.  I'm trying to let go of things that I have no control over and find a way for it to all work out.  (Really hard for a control freak like me)

My mom ended up not keeping Evan for the night so I'm not going to Berea to sell stuff tomorrow.  I guess I'm kinda glad in a way- its probably going to rain tomorrow and its far and I wouldn't get much sleep.  I need my sleep! 

I've been camping out with Evan downstairs each night because of the CPAP machine... it's just easier to have it plugged in downstairs.  Hopefully tomorrow I can finish the house and get everything in order.  I worked a lot the other day- but everything was so terrible that it barely made a dent.  I had to handwash dishes (gasp!) and the washing machine is still not working.  That really sucks.  I can't wait til those are both fixed.  What a pain in the butt.  I keep trying to remember to move all the heavy stuff around all over the place before the surgery-- I won't be able to lift anything for 6 weeks afterwards. 

I'm trying not to freak out about money- no sense in freaking over the weekend, right?  Tomorrow I have big plans with Evan- we're making brownies and homemade ice cream.  It will be fun to bake with him tomorrow, he really likes it. 

Countdown to surgery: 5 days

Today I had a series of freak outs. 
1. Money
2. Money
3. Surgery panic

I made tons of phonecalls and might have some things figured out for the better. Maybe.

The $4400 check will be arriving on Monday- but I wasn't able to get the other $2000 like I had thought I would.  That's where the freaking out started. 

Chase also messed up on my health care acct and cancelled it (while still deducting the money) so I get a little refund of over $200 for that.  That was kinda how I was going to pay for everything- now I have to go back to the drawing board and somehow open another acct and directly pay out of that each month.  Blah. 

It doesn't help much that literally everyone is driving me nuts.  
I can't wait until after surgery when I'm on pain meds and all hopped up and in la-la land.  I need a little break.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I have a plan!

I'm not one of those people who just whines about problems- I'm a 'fixer' type person.  I fix things. 
I talked to Dawn about Saturday and we got off topic and I told her about the $6,000.  She gave me the best advice ever-- 'do you have a 401(k) with any money in that?  You can borrow against it if you do.' 

I honestly had no idea how much (if any) I had in there.  I thought I had signed up years ago- but couldn't really remember... so I found the website, my user ID was locked, so I called them and she walked me through on how to take out a loan against myself and pay it back with minimal penalties and no interest.  I was able to get over $4,000! On Friday, I may be able to take out a second loan that is half the amount of what is left in there- which will end up being around $2,000 more.  (that equals- $6,000)  WOW!  Whatta relief!  I was sweating it there for a second.  I can use a touch of that money to get caught up with bills too- not too much though.  I will have to pay myself back $40 biweekly for 4 years.  I have $40 worth of deductions that I can cancel out of my paychecks and use that to pay my 401k back without it making any impact on our budget at all!  Woo hoo!!

Since I was on the phone all day, I didn't get much done around the house, so Gail is going to watch Evan for me for a few hours. 

Countdown to surgery: 7 days

Breathe Kim, breathe.  Kellie just called and let me know that my OOP after insurance covers stuff is going to be $6,000.  Add that to the $5,000 that I'll owe for co-pays and deductibles and we're at $11,000.  Gasping for air.  Guess who's gonna have to work full time soon?  Uh, yeah, ME. 

Money's an issue right now at this moment.  I'm going on Saturday with my friend Dawn to sell some of my stockpile.  Last week she made $300 in a few hours.  I'd love to do that too.  I might have $300 worth of stuff- we'll see.  I'd love to try to go shopping before Saturday a little more to pick up more items to sell.  If I can get into this I could pay off my $11,000 pretty fast- but it would be a lot of extra work for me.  It's really fun shopping and finding deals- but I might have to choose- working full time or selling stockpiles this summer- add in the fact that I can't lift anything for 6 weeks and oh boy.... so shopping would have to be really light or I'd have to get a thing with wheels or something.  IDK what I'm going to do yet.  I'm smart I can figure it all out though, right? 

My house is a DISASTER right now- just absolute mess- I have very little time to get everything in order and I'm feeling anxious and overwhelmed with everything going on.  I can't talk to Paul about it because it will stress him out more about money.  Ugh!  I don't like that we are up and down with money.  I hope next month he gets a huge commission check.... I hope.... so far as of the 10th he made what he normally makes in a month- so hopefully that's a good sign.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trying not to pig out

Today I had a hot dog and part of a small milk shake- its stuff I won't be able to eat later so I am trying to get stuff out of the way-- really bad decision?  Sure. 

Yesterday I worked on the house a bit.  I got one room done and 3 others are in progress.  I have so much more to do its nuts. 

Monday I have to see Visiting Nurses for my CPAP machine at 3 and Tuesday I go to Akron again to have a physical.  That's early in the morning.  Then I have to work on Friday and Sunday and Monday and then that's all the work for about 6 weeks-- woo hoo! 

I still have to get so much more done around the house before I go on leave though-- SO much to do and so little time! 

Countdown to Surgery

10 days left.  Nervous, excited and a little second guessing myself

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Countdown to surgery

11 days.... nervous- but mostly about getting stuff ready for before surgery.

Friday, May 6, 2011

More visits--- I think these are all though

Monday I have my CPAP fitting/pick up at Visiting Nurses downtown
Tuesday I have my physical at the medical bldg across from the hospital.

That's hopefully all the visits I have to have before surgery.  Neither of these will have bloodwork or lab tests.  They actually both seem like a complete waste of my time (and gas). 

The following week is the operation- woo hoo!  That is all that I've been working so hard for. 

Now to get my house ready for life after surgery- I won't be able to move anything for 6 weeks so I have to have things where I need them to be-- now its all about finding time to actually do that... that's the hard part when I'm driving out to Akron alot and then taking care of Evan all day....so much to do in so little time.  I might have to have someone keep Evan for a night or something while I work on the house.  It's a disaster and so unorganized.  Paul has the day off today- it would be really nice if he did some of the housework today... or the laundry or something... one less thing off my massive list of things to do. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eating after fasting isn't as easy as it sounds

So not eating for a few days just to hit my number (which worked- thank goodness) and then trying to eat afterwards is kinda hard.  Its like you're not that hungry once the food goes in and then after you eat you feel sick... yesterday I had 1/2 cheeseburger at the hospital, a cookie, and for dinner we went to Chinese and I got Lemon chicken, fried rice and had a few of those chips.  All three of us split that one meal and there was food leftover too-- (Paul got a bowl of soup too)  we never used to all split one meal.

I am getting pretty excited about my surgery date.  Just 3 things left to do beforehand...
1. buy unjury protein powder (I should be able to do that tomorrow)
2.  Get my stupid CPAP machine
3. the physical that they ordered for me for next week

Then it's surgery time!!  I might need to get a sitter for Evan if Paul can't get off of work for a few days.  Speaking of his work, he had the best commission day ever - a $500 commission day!  That's sometimes what he can make in a week or even two (yikes when that happens)- so that's a really good day!!   I love that he got moved to other stores- they have more traffic and that means more money for him.  At first he was dreading it (longer commutes into work, etc) but now that he's bringing in more money I think he likes it better.  I hope these huge commission days continue- that would be awesome since I won't be making much money coming up here pretty soon (due to healing and being off work for up to 6 weeks).  That'd be one less thing to worry about.  :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My stupid fasting worked-- I was at the weight I needed to be and have a surgery date scheduled!!  MAY 18th is my big day!!  I actually was 3 lbs under what I was required to be at.  (Yay.)

When I ate today (so far I've had 1/2 cheeseburger and a couple fries from the hospital cafeteria) I felt so sick! 
I also had some surprise tests today-  6 vials of blood drawn, 2 chest X-rays... I have one stupid physical next week and then I am all DONE and can go into surgery in 15 days!!!!!    I was so excited when they told me it would be so soon.  That was very welcomed news for me.  Yay.    Right now, according to MY scales from my highest weight ever- I am down 35 lbs.  I still only wear one bracelet though because their starting number was 264 and today I weighed 250.  250 is my first little hurdle of weight to get under... which I'm right there- before surgery I should be right under 250- maybe I can make a goal for myself of 244- just to have a second bracelet... hmm, maybe- we'll see on that one. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

1 More Day...

One more day until my big appt with Dr. Chlysta and to schedule my surgery date (I hope at least).  I weighed myself today and the scale really did move in the right direction from fasting.  Yay.  I hope it moves just a hair more today/tonight/tomorrow because I need to weigh what it says I weigh with clothes on. 

My stomach does hurt- quite a bit actually- the pain comes and goes- like a pressure kind of pain.  ugh! 

I found out that Sonya (a friend of mine) is having her band reversed and getting a sleeve procedure soon.  I'm excited for her to be getting the sleeve instead of the band.  She's had nothing but problems with her band.  It slipped recently and now she developed a hernia too- it sounds really painful for her.  I am kinda glad that she might be going thru this with me though-- I'm so selfish sometimes with having someone else to lean on. 

I've been drinking mega amounts of water with MiO drink mix in them.  -- Then I pee 100 times a day.  That part is bad because sometimes I have to go when I'm on the phones- and I feel like my bladders about to explode.  Fun Fun.... but its all about the number tomorrow on the scale.   Tomorrow night I am going to EAT.  Not 3 days worth of food- but real food.  Yummy real food. 

My scale at home (unclothed) said 248.6  (add 5 for their scale differences and we're at 253.6) I need to be 254 or less- so just a tiny bit more to account for the weight of clothes and maybe give me a tad of cushioning too.  I'd love for their scale to be under 250 at some point before surgery. 

Oh man, My stomach is hurting... bad... not fun.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I have just two days left before the big appt with Dr. Chlysta and to hopefully schedule my surgery date. I'm on pins and needles.  I weighed myself today and it appears that I am a couple lbs over what I need to be-- so I'm fasting today and drinking tons and tons of water.  I'll also have to work out a bit too somewhere in these next two days.

I did the colon irrigation- which really wasn't bad at all.  I didn't lose a ton of weight like I was hoping for though.  they said it takes 3 sessions for results-- which costs $200- I don't exactly have that kind of money sitting around lately.  I did the one session which cost $85.  That was pushing it as it was. 

I felt awful today- really bad- but I'm doing a little better now and drinking tons of water with MiO drink mix in it.  I feel like I'm cheating on a test or something- but I HAVE to make my weight.  (253 or less) on Tuesday.  My scale says 253 today- but mine is 5 lbs off from theirs-  so that's why I'm freaking out!

More water-- more water-- more water.  I hope I can pull this off.