Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My stupid fasting worked-- I was at the weight I needed to be and have a surgery date scheduled!!  MAY 18th is my big day!!  I actually was 3 lbs under what I was required to be at.  (Yay.)

When I ate today (so far I've had 1/2 cheeseburger and a couple fries from the hospital cafeteria) I felt so sick! 
I also had some surprise tests today-  6 vials of blood drawn, 2 chest X-rays... I have one stupid physical next week and then I am all DONE and can go into surgery in 15 days!!!!!    I was so excited when they told me it would be so soon.  That was very welcomed news for me.  Yay.    Right now, according to MY scales from my highest weight ever- I am down 35 lbs.  I still only wear one bracelet though because their starting number was 264 and today I weighed 250.  250 is my first little hurdle of weight to get under... which I'm right there- before surgery I should be right under 250- maybe I can make a goal for myself of 244- just to have a second bracelet... hmm, maybe- we'll see on that one. 

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