Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trying not to pig out

Today I had a hot dog and part of a small milk shake- its stuff I won't be able to eat later so I am trying to get stuff out of the way-- really bad decision?  Sure. 

Yesterday I worked on the house a bit.  I got one room done and 3 others are in progress.  I have so much more to do its nuts. 

Monday I have to see Visiting Nurses for my CPAP machine at 3 and Tuesday I go to Akron again to have a physical.  That's early in the morning.  Then I have to work on Friday and Sunday and Monday and then that's all the work for about 6 weeks-- woo hoo! 

I still have to get so much more done around the house before I go on leave though-- SO much to do and so little time! 

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