Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I had surgery!

So the big day came and went.  The whole ride down I was thinking of chickening out.  When I was getting undressed, I wanted to chicken out.  i was about to say something, then they drugged me up... I am glad I went thru it.  It needed to be done. 

Here's as brief of play by play I can do:

Night before- Evan went to my sisters house to spend the night.
6:00AM- got up and cleaned up, finished packing, took off my ring and we drove to Akron.  We were just a hair early.  Then we waited in the waiting room - they asked about my allergies 'Dilaudid, penacillin, codeine'.  I think I told 10 different people that day my allergies.  When I got into the area where you're kinda prepped before surgery, they told me there was a last minute emergency in the ER and Dr. Chlysta was pushing back my surgery by about 2 hours or so.  We waited and waited... then at I have no idea what time 1?2?3?  I was finally being wheeled into the OR.  I don't really remember much of that at all. 
When I woke up in recovery, Paul was there with me and I hear the person saying 'we just gave her dilaudid....' and my son was too young to come upstairs.  Oh boy.  I told them about the allergy, then said, 'Look, I won't make a big deal about the dialudid and you get my son up here right now.'  I was shocked they made such a dumb mistake- thankfully I just get massive hives from it- not die or anything... benadryl was given but I was still itchy for quite a while.

Evan came up to see me - he was a little freaked out- they gave me gifts.  I fell back asleep from the benadryl- I guess I was talking and all of a sudden my face went limp or something and I started fading out- so everyone left. 

I got to my room and they removed the cathader.  I needed to get cleaned up so I went to the bathroom- I had to really push to go pee.  It was weird.  They said that was from the cathader.  (I don't know how to spell cathader).  Then I had to walk.  I walked the whole floor like a normal person at normal speed.  All the nurses were shouting things like 'go speedy!' my attendant with me shouted back 'she just got out of OR'. 

Lots more walking around, lots of sleeping, lots of drugs, the days blended together (and still kinda do)

They gave me a PINT of Vicotin.  A pint?  Who am I? Courtney Love?  I have a ton left.  I stopped taking it days ago.  Paul wants to keep it around in case he gets a migraine (which happens every now and then).  I'm on Tylenol (liquid adult kind).

Eating is weird, I'm sick of talking about eating and the crappy food I'm allowed to have right now- so I'll save that for some other time.

The good stuff:
Day of surgery (Weds 5/18) I weighed 258 according to my scale.
Today (Tues 5/24) I weigh 242.  16 down and it's not quite a week yet.  Some of that weight was new weight from the week long not looking at what I was eating because I'll never have it again pig out session.  I gained 7 lbs that week so much of that 16 I lost was 'new weight' so not all that impressive.  I loved seeing the scale go thru the 240's pretty fast though (a matter of just a few days) and I hope it flies thru the 230's and 220's the same way. 

My buddy that had the sleeve is now 6 lbs away from being in the 100's.  I can't wait til I can say that- it'll be a huge hurdle to get over! 

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