Friday, May 13, 2011

Countdown to surgery: 5 days

Today I had a series of freak outs. 
1. Money
2. Money
3. Surgery panic

I made tons of phonecalls and might have some things figured out for the better. Maybe.

The $4400 check will be arriving on Monday- but I wasn't able to get the other $2000 like I had thought I would.  That's where the freaking out started. 

Chase also messed up on my health care acct and cancelled it (while still deducting the money) so I get a little refund of over $200 for that.  That was kinda how I was going to pay for everything- now I have to go back to the drawing board and somehow open another acct and directly pay out of that each month.  Blah. 

It doesn't help much that literally everyone is driving me nuts.  
I can't wait until after surgery when I'm on pain meds and all hopped up and in la-la land.  I need a little break.

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