Friday, April 8, 2011

Cruisin' 50's Diner

I said I was going to eat bad and I did and it was goooood.
I had 'Lobster' Mac-n-Cheese.  I also got soup and mashed potatoes with it, but the boys ate that since I was full.  I drank a lot of water with MiO.  When I got home I had one piece of bread with butter (whole grain).  Now off to bed soon.  I went over all of the class stuff with Paul today.  This class actually didn't have 1/2 of the same stuff as the last class- the last class was so jammed with information that I was overwhelmed- this one wasn't like that at all.  It had far less info - they skipped the whole part about how to properly get out of bed after surgery and all the rehab stuff involved.

I'm all carbed up and it feels pretty good.  I think every now and then you just need some good old carbs to hit the spot.  I'm kinda happy about it.  I do need to go to sleep though- I barely slept last night (nervous about my weigh in) and had to leave the house really early to make it to Akron (55 miles away) by 9:00 AM.  I got up around 6.  I am beat!  I don't even know if I slept at all last night.

Paul was lecturing me about how all of this was 'avoidable' and how he could've told me everything and got me to lose weight-- eye roll city.  No comment.  I'll blog about him and his involvement in my weight gain over the years at some other point. No, its not all 'his fault'- but he did play a role in it--- for sure!!

Off to bed----

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