Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last of the tests? ...and colon irrigation?

I might have actually had the last of my tests for the pre-op stuff!

Friday:  I had the pulminary function test-- that consisted of getting my blood drawn from my artery in my wrist (OUCH) and then breathing into a bunch of plastic tubes while a computer measured my lung capacity.  I think that went fine.  There was drama getting into the appt- they didn't have the Dr.s orders for the test- and their office was closed (Good Friday).  I was also extremely late getting there- I got a little lost... it all worked out ok though.

Monday:  I had an ultrasound and a scan of my organs that are all around my stomach.  That all seemed fine too- they aren't allowed to give you any information on the results- a Dr has to review them and write a report or something-- anyways... I think they went fine.  I was so tired from that appt.  I worked til 3AM- got home at 4- didn't fall asleep for real and then up at 6 and out the door by 7 to make my 8:30 appt.  That one was much easier to find. 

Today, I got a call from the sleep center and they said I need a CPAP machine and that they are referring me to someone and they will be in touch with me asap. 

I'm also looking into colon irrigation.  I think it may help me shed a couple of pounds before my mega huge weigh in on Tuesday and the scheduling of my surgery date.  I need all the help I can get!  I think that might give me the edge I need to be the weight I need to be.  I've always wanted to do that and I think after surgery I won't be able to.  I don't mean I wanted to like it sounds so fun- just that it might help me feel better. 

I'm really hoping the last of all the tests was Monday- that would be great!  Unless there is something wrong, it should be the last of everything.  Yay.

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