Sunday, April 24, 2011


I was super nervous about gaining any weight back.  I had my period (sorry TMI) and I ALWAYS gain 5 lbs from that... always.  I got on the scale today and it said   249.6  which means in the Drs office it will say 254. I get weighed in next Tuesday for the BIG appt.  I also get weighed in tomorrow too- but I don't think it counts as heavy as the other weigh in does.  So being close to the 253 that I was last week is a good thing.  I've been eating OK- not perfect- but not terrible either.  My food journal however-- that's another story- I haven't been doing it -- at all.  I need to catch it up and they want 'more detail'  Ugh.  I hate that part of it all.

Dr. Malec and I finally caught up the other day about my lab results- all was fine- but my thyroid was still off so she increased my medicine to 50.  I wanted that to happen- I haven't been less tired - I've been MORE tired since taking it.  I need to get the exhaustion issue under control.  Maybe CPAP will help that.  I don't know when I will be getting my machine just yet.  I assume that will be this week sometime.

NINE DAYS til my big huge appt.  9... wow.  I'll have a surgery date (hoping) in just 9 days.  I hope he can get me in quick too- like within 3 weeks- that would be awesome.

I also emailed a person in Mentor that has a spa with colon irrigation.  Its pricey- but I think I wanna try that and see if that will help me shed a few lbs right before the appt on May 3rd.  I don't know if I'll actually go thru with that or not-- but I'm considering it. 

Jim at Paul's work was let go-- we are a tad nervous about money - they just without warning got rid of him so would they just do that to Paul too?  We hope not.  His job kinda sucks - but its money coming in... I've been nervous about that too.  If he got laid off fired whatever I'd have to go back to full time during the time I really need to be healing and working out like crazy... ugh- lets hope it doesn't happen.

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