Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tomorrow is the big weigh in!

I am kinda nervous about it.  I weighed 252 this morning.  I took Senecot twice this week with nothing happening afterwards- that's not good.  I'll be basically fasting today with lots of water and then taking some water pills to get any excess water off of me-- so hopefully with clothes on tomorrow I can slide just under the 254 mark and be approved for this surgery.  I kinda just woke up today too-- I kept falling back asleep and I really started to get good sleep after Paul left- he was snoring so loud that I thought Evan was whispering 'Mom' to me so I popped up out of a fast sleep many times last night.  I had all kinds of vivid dreams last night.  That means I actually got into a deep enough sleep- yay.  I think I'm worrying a lot lately about all of this and not sleeping so great.  I worry a little about each thing along the way.

I have no idea if I blogged about this yet or not- but yesterday I finally got my leave rep to confirm that I have enough time for the past year accrued to qualify for FMLA for the surgery.  She kept saying 'yes, you're covered don't worry about it...' but she was answering the WRONG question.  I have TWO FMLA cases.  One open now and one opening tomorrow- she kept answering for the first one and I wanted to punch her in the face.  She said 'you aren't understanding my answer.'  I said 'no, YOU aren't understanding my question.'  I hear your retarded answer that you're giving me that is 100% wrong-- just listen with ears and not your butt for a minute and answer the right ricka racka question.  I hate HR people.  They all are crap.  Fortunately I've been on FMLA before so I know how they are now.  My last leave rep died recently so I have a new one.  Otherwise they said I'd have had her again.  (she was just awful).  This new one was seeming better until this whole last week long phone tag email tag fiasco.  Her numbers she is giving me don't make any kind of sense either- I did my own numbers to the date and mine were way different than hers were.  She ran hers by the pay period- so that's part of the difference- but I still think she did something wrong- anyways - It's approved and the case is started so I won't beat that to death anymore.  I hate when people tell me I'm wrong about something when I know for a fact that I am not wrong.

Off to drink some nice water and either find or buy water pills- I really think they will help for tomorrow.  I'll do anything to qualify for this.  I really want this. 

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