Friday, April 8, 2011


Today I had my class and then my big weigh in.  I found out that my scale is about 5 lbs off from theirs.   Their scale said I weighed 256.   I have another week to lose that other 2 lbs.  -- I was ticked.  I've been doing GREAT eating.  Really really good (almost perfect even) and to be off by 2 lbs was disappointing.  Tonight, I am taking a night off from my diet and then back to slamming it tomorrow- whoa whoa whoa- Kim- what are you doing?  Yep- I'm doing it.  I'm tired of eating rabbit food and then not 'going' and then not losing anything.  I took Senecot (laxative) TWICE this week in large quantities even and nothing happened.  That's messed up.  maybe if I eat some carbs and crap it will help everything move again?  Plus I need to just feel normal tonight.

The class itself went well- there were 3 really nice girls in there all about my age and size- I'm hoping that I see them in support meetings or whatever because I could actually see us keeping in touch for support or whatever.  Our class had a ton of people in it- one guy (who was 350+ maybe over 400) and then the rest of the class was the 4 younger women and the rest were older women.  About 4 of them looked exactly the same to me- that was weird.  Two older women were in BAD shape (canes, oxygen, etc) The younger women were all in good shape just heavy.  One girl almost didn't seem big enough to go thru surgery- she must hide her weight well.  She has to weigh at least 240 to qualify-- so I'm sure she is big enough- just didn't look it to me. 

Some people asked me if I was pre or post op-- LOL.  PRE-- you think I wanna look like this POST??  I guess since some people are mega huge you really can't assume where anyone else is in the process.

7 more days to drop 2 lbs.  The dietician gave me a menu plan for a week that will help me lose 7 lbs in one week.  I really think its a matter of things 'moving'.  I'm really discouraged about that.

Since I mentioned things moving-- I've always had an issue with things going slowly my whole life- I've taken laxatives, fiber, all kinds of things and I blame my weight gain in part to slow moving pipes.  Its hereditary- yipee.  When I get thin I might have to be on some kind of fiber plan to combat that.  Who knows how the pipes will work after surgery... After my gall bladder came out I was RUNNING to the bathroom sometimes after eating any million different trigger foods.  Later on I'll summarize what we learned in the class.  I'll need it for reference. 

Crap- I was really worried about my weigh in today- shaking at times even and I missed it by so little- I'm a bit upset about that- but glad I have another week to make the weight.

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