Thursday, July 7, 2011

Silly observations

My wedding ring is loose- which means my fingers have lost weight.  I think that's kinda funny.

'a family member' (or 2) are larger than I am- I'm not the 'big one' anymore.  Yay.

Today I weight 218.  I'm so glad to be out of the 220's.  That seemed to take forever to get out of.  I'm still kinda 'bloaty' so I hope that in the next day or two that I lose a few more lbs when that's over with.  I looked at my BMI and so far I've lost 10.3 BMI points.  I have almost 13 left to go.

Today my mom told me my skinny sister just lost more weight and is 141 right now (she's also tall) - so that's about my end weight goal- I won't be as skinny as her- but almost if I hit that number. 

I'm 8 lbs away from being 1/2 way to my weight loss goal.  Then the next hurdle is getting under 200, then under 180 (that's 100 lbs lost).

I haven't been wearing bracelets- ha- the whole point of the blog- out the window- at least for now.  I still might do it- I'll see. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Month one:  Lost a total of 30 lbs!

I'm a week into month 2 and am at 7 down right now. 

Bad news- nothing is staying down-  but the weight is falling off... not back to work yet- I feel ok as long as I'm not eating.  I do get tired out quickly though.  My energy levels need a swift kick in the butt.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I have a decent(ish) waistline again

I looked in the mirror sideways and guess what?  I didn't cringe!  I actually look ok - things are slimming down- quite a bit actually- which I am very glad about.  I started - boo-- but the scale says 231.  Usually I gain 5 lbs so if I lose 5 in a few days- that will be great!   My mom got me a dress at Target the other day- it fit- but I think it will look better after I lose another little bit of weight (like 15 or so).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

228 today

I've gotten past the 50 lb mark and my next little hurdle was getting below the 230's.  Today the scale said 228.  Yay.  I didn't dare step on it again in case it was a mistake or something.   I hope the 220's go much faster than the 230's did.  That seemed to take forever. 

6 more days and I will be at the one month point.  So far since surgery I've lost 30 lbs in month one.  That's OK I guess. 

I'm hoping for month two to have me lose at least 15- maybe 20- that would be cool. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

50 down since last summer

Today we went to my MILs house for swimming with Evan's cousins.  My sister was there and her and MIL both said they could really tell that I've lost weight.  That's good.  I swam (well its a shallow pool- so more like soaked) and then was supposed to go to my moms house but I just don't have enough energy for that too today.  I'm slowly getting energy- but I'm still really drained.

The scale said 230 today.  I didn't hop back on it to see if it would still say that- I was happy enough and moved along.  Now to tackle the 220's. 

I'm definitely thinner than my MIL now and close to my sisters size- she weighs less than I do (I think) but not by all that much anymore.  Soon I'll be smaller than her.  (this makes me happy)

Friday, June 3, 2011

2 week follow up appt

My 2 week follow up went well.  I lost according to their scales- 11 lbs- which is not correct seeing as I had gained a bit before surgery-- but they were pleased with the amount that I had lost.

I am now allowed to eat REAL FOOD- not just drink stuff.  Yay!  Sipping 'food' is for the birds.   I can have a few things now and each week they add a few more things to the list.  I have a followup appt in 4 more weeks.  I think I weigh 234 today... something like that.  I do feel dehydrated though.  I need to drink way way more than I currently am.   I still can't wait to be out of the 230's.  Baby steps. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

OK body, point taken....

I ate food-- real food.  (3 pieces of small, thin lunchmeat and a touch of ricotta cheese).  Needless to say, it didn't stay down.  This is the 2nd  time I ate something and it happened.  The other time was when I had a bite of chicken fried rice- then thought- wow this is good, I want just a little more... my stomach is telling me no- I can't have that... I guess its good in a way- so I won't have any chance at all of gaining weight. 

Today I woke up at a respectable time.  Yippee.  I even did a little housework,  Emphasis on little.  I'd really love to go clothes shopping!  Not a whole new wardrobe kind of thing- just a little bit of new things to replace some of the old junk that doesn't fit anymore.  Energy is the only thing holding me back.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I wanna be under 200


Bracelet #2

I flew by bracelet #2 while I was sleeping and recuperating... 244 is #2... and I'm nearly at bracelet #3 (a few more days) Today the scale said 237. 
I walked into the hospital weighing 258. 
Week 1: Lost 17 lbs  (241)
Week 2 so far:  4 lbs  (237)

So far I've lost 21 lbs after surgery!  :)  Hurray!

From my highest weight of 280- I am down a total of 43 lbs. 

Today Evan said 'mom you're skinnier down there' pointing to my butt.  Yay- he can tell I lost some weight- its pretty noticeable to me.  Not sure if anyone else will notice or not though.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playing with tracker junk


I had surgery!

So the big day came and went.  The whole ride down I was thinking of chickening out.  When I was getting undressed, I wanted to chicken out.  i was about to say something, then they drugged me up... I am glad I went thru it.  It needed to be done. 

Here's as brief of play by play I can do:

Night before- Evan went to my sisters house to spend the night.
6:00AM- got up and cleaned up, finished packing, took off my ring and we drove to Akron.  We were just a hair early.  Then we waited in the waiting room - they asked about my allergies 'Dilaudid, penacillin, codeine'.  I think I told 10 different people that day my allergies.  When I got into the area where you're kinda prepped before surgery, they told me there was a last minute emergency in the ER and Dr. Chlysta was pushing back my surgery by about 2 hours or so.  We waited and waited... then at I have no idea what time 1?2?3?  I was finally being wheeled into the OR.  I don't really remember much of that at all. 
When I woke up in recovery, Paul was there with me and I hear the person saying 'we just gave her dilaudid....' and my son was too young to come upstairs.  Oh boy.  I told them about the allergy, then said, 'Look, I won't make a big deal about the dialudid and you get my son up here right now.'  I was shocked they made such a dumb mistake- thankfully I just get massive hives from it- not die or anything... benadryl was given but I was still itchy for quite a while.

Evan came up to see me - he was a little freaked out- they gave me gifts.  I fell back asleep from the benadryl- I guess I was talking and all of a sudden my face went limp or something and I started fading out- so everyone left. 

I got to my room and they removed the cathader.  I needed to get cleaned up so I went to the bathroom- I had to really push to go pee.  It was weird.  They said that was from the cathader.  (I don't know how to spell cathader).  Then I had to walk.  I walked the whole floor like a normal person at normal speed.  All the nurses were shouting things like 'go speedy!' my attendant with me shouted back 'she just got out of OR'. 

Lots more walking around, lots of sleeping, lots of drugs, the days blended together (and still kinda do)

They gave me a PINT of Vicotin.  A pint?  Who am I? Courtney Love?  I have a ton left.  I stopped taking it days ago.  Paul wants to keep it around in case he gets a migraine (which happens every now and then).  I'm on Tylenol (liquid adult kind).

Eating is weird, I'm sick of talking about eating and the crappy food I'm allowed to have right now- so I'll save that for some other time.

The good stuff:
Day of surgery (Weds 5/18) I weighed 258 according to my scale.
Today (Tues 5/24) I weigh 242.  16 down and it's not quite a week yet.  Some of that weight was new weight from the week long not looking at what I was eating because I'll never have it again pig out session.  I gained 7 lbs that week so much of that 16 I lost was 'new weight' so not all that impressive.  I loved seeing the scale go thru the 240's pretty fast though (a matter of just a few days) and I hope it flies thru the 230's and 220's the same way. 

My buddy that had the sleeve is now 6 lbs away from being in the 100's.  I can't wait til I can say that- it'll be a huge hurdle to get over! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Countdown to surgery: 2 days

Wow- 2 days...
Later today I'll be getting my big check in the mail.  I also took the day off of work so I can finish all the pesky things I need to do around the house.  My sister is keeping Evan overnight on Tuesday for me so I won't have to worry about him.  She's also going to pick me up on Friday- I'm very thankful for that. 

I need to figure out what I need to drink for the next 2 days before I go to bed to coat my stomach- I can't recall what on earth it was that they told me to take Milk of Magnesia?  I don't recall at all. 

I also get to find out about the money issues.  Yay for money issues (sarcasm).

Evan's going to be excited to spend the night at Noah's house- they are best buddies- he'll be so thrilled to go over there.

Countdown to Surgery: 3 days

The house is a disaster.
I've been eating poorly.
My allergies are going nuts.

Not too nervous today.  I think I got rid of a lot of the money jitters the other day.  No sense in worrying about it til tomorrow when I find out more info.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today I was a slug

I did nothing today. Well, I got the mail, fed Evan and made brownies- but that's it.  Slug city.  Its been raining and I have a headache- party from caffeine, not taking my medicine yet, and probably being dehydrated a bit from not having anything to drink yet today. 

I have so much to do and I'm being so lazy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Countdown to Surgery: 4 days

I know it's just after midnight, but 4 days left.... wow!  That's getting scarier.  I'm trying to let go of things that I have no control over and find a way for it to all work out.  (Really hard for a control freak like me)

My mom ended up not keeping Evan for the night so I'm not going to Berea to sell stuff tomorrow.  I guess I'm kinda glad in a way- its probably going to rain tomorrow and its far and I wouldn't get much sleep.  I need my sleep! 

I've been camping out with Evan downstairs each night because of the CPAP machine... it's just easier to have it plugged in downstairs.  Hopefully tomorrow I can finish the house and get everything in order.  I worked a lot the other day- but everything was so terrible that it barely made a dent.  I had to handwash dishes (gasp!) and the washing machine is still not working.  That really sucks.  I can't wait til those are both fixed.  What a pain in the butt.  I keep trying to remember to move all the heavy stuff around all over the place before the surgery-- I won't be able to lift anything for 6 weeks afterwards. 

I'm trying not to freak out about money- no sense in freaking over the weekend, right?  Tomorrow I have big plans with Evan- we're making brownies and homemade ice cream.  It will be fun to bake with him tomorrow, he really likes it. 

Countdown to surgery: 5 days

Today I had a series of freak outs. 
1. Money
2. Money
3. Surgery panic

I made tons of phonecalls and might have some things figured out for the better. Maybe.

The $4400 check will be arriving on Monday- but I wasn't able to get the other $2000 like I had thought I would.  That's where the freaking out started. 

Chase also messed up on my health care acct and cancelled it (while still deducting the money) so I get a little refund of over $200 for that.  That was kinda how I was going to pay for everything- now I have to go back to the drawing board and somehow open another acct and directly pay out of that each month.  Blah. 

It doesn't help much that literally everyone is driving me nuts.  
I can't wait until after surgery when I'm on pain meds and all hopped up and in la-la land.  I need a little break.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I have a plan!

I'm not one of those people who just whines about problems- I'm a 'fixer' type person.  I fix things. 
I talked to Dawn about Saturday and we got off topic and I told her about the $6,000.  She gave me the best advice ever-- 'do you have a 401(k) with any money in that?  You can borrow against it if you do.' 

I honestly had no idea how much (if any) I had in there.  I thought I had signed up years ago- but couldn't really remember... so I found the website, my user ID was locked, so I called them and she walked me through on how to take out a loan against myself and pay it back with minimal penalties and no interest.  I was able to get over $4,000! On Friday, I may be able to take out a second loan that is half the amount of what is left in there- which will end up being around $2,000 more.  (that equals- $6,000)  WOW!  Whatta relief!  I was sweating it there for a second.  I can use a touch of that money to get caught up with bills too- not too much though.  I will have to pay myself back $40 biweekly for 4 years.  I have $40 worth of deductions that I can cancel out of my paychecks and use that to pay my 401k back without it making any impact on our budget at all!  Woo hoo!!

Since I was on the phone all day, I didn't get much done around the house, so Gail is going to watch Evan for me for a few hours. 

Countdown to surgery: 7 days

Breathe Kim, breathe.  Kellie just called and let me know that my OOP after insurance covers stuff is going to be $6,000.  Add that to the $5,000 that I'll owe for co-pays and deductibles and we're at $11,000.  Gasping for air.  Guess who's gonna have to work full time soon?  Uh, yeah, ME. 

Money's an issue right now at this moment.  I'm going on Saturday with my friend Dawn to sell some of my stockpile.  Last week she made $300 in a few hours.  I'd love to do that too.  I might have $300 worth of stuff- we'll see.  I'd love to try to go shopping before Saturday a little more to pick up more items to sell.  If I can get into this I could pay off my $11,000 pretty fast- but it would be a lot of extra work for me.  It's really fun shopping and finding deals- but I might have to choose- working full time or selling stockpiles this summer- add in the fact that I can't lift anything for 6 weeks and oh boy.... so shopping would have to be really light or I'd have to get a thing with wheels or something.  IDK what I'm going to do yet.  I'm smart I can figure it all out though, right? 

My house is a DISASTER right now- just absolute mess- I have very little time to get everything in order and I'm feeling anxious and overwhelmed with everything going on.  I can't talk to Paul about it because it will stress him out more about money.  Ugh!  I don't like that we are up and down with money.  I hope next month he gets a huge commission check.... I hope.... so far as of the 10th he made what he normally makes in a month- so hopefully that's a good sign.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trying not to pig out

Today I had a hot dog and part of a small milk shake- its stuff I won't be able to eat later so I am trying to get stuff out of the way-- really bad decision?  Sure. 

Yesterday I worked on the house a bit.  I got one room done and 3 others are in progress.  I have so much more to do its nuts. 

Monday I have to see Visiting Nurses for my CPAP machine at 3 and Tuesday I go to Akron again to have a physical.  That's early in the morning.  Then I have to work on Friday and Sunday and Monday and then that's all the work for about 6 weeks-- woo hoo! 

I still have to get so much more done around the house before I go on leave though-- SO much to do and so little time! 

Countdown to Surgery

10 days left.  Nervous, excited and a little second guessing myself

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Countdown to surgery

11 days.... nervous- but mostly about getting stuff ready for before surgery.

Friday, May 6, 2011

More visits--- I think these are all though

Monday I have my CPAP fitting/pick up at Visiting Nurses downtown
Tuesday I have my physical at the medical bldg across from the hospital.

That's hopefully all the visits I have to have before surgery.  Neither of these will have bloodwork or lab tests.  They actually both seem like a complete waste of my time (and gas). 

The following week is the operation- woo hoo!  That is all that I've been working so hard for. 

Now to get my house ready for life after surgery- I won't be able to move anything for 6 weeks so I have to have things where I need them to be-- now its all about finding time to actually do that... that's the hard part when I'm driving out to Akron alot and then taking care of Evan all much to do in so little time.  I might have to have someone keep Evan for a night or something while I work on the house.  It's a disaster and so unorganized.  Paul has the day off today- it would be really nice if he did some of the housework today... or the laundry or something... one less thing off my massive list of things to do. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eating after fasting isn't as easy as it sounds

So not eating for a few days just to hit my number (which worked- thank goodness) and then trying to eat afterwards is kinda hard.  Its like you're not that hungry once the food goes in and then after you eat you feel sick... yesterday I had 1/2 cheeseburger at the hospital, a cookie, and for dinner we went to Chinese and I got Lemon chicken, fried rice and had a few of those chips.  All three of us split that one meal and there was food leftover too-- (Paul got a bowl of soup too)  we never used to all split one meal.

I am getting pretty excited about my surgery date.  Just 3 things left to do beforehand...
1. buy unjury protein powder (I should be able to do that tomorrow)
2.  Get my stupid CPAP machine
3. the physical that they ordered for me for next week

Then it's surgery time!!  I might need to get a sitter for Evan if Paul can't get off of work for a few days.  Speaking of his work, he had the best commission day ever - a $500 commission day!  That's sometimes what he can make in a week or even two (yikes when that happens)- so that's a really good day!!   I love that he got moved to other stores- they have more traffic and that means more money for him.  At first he was dreading it (longer commutes into work, etc) but now that he's bringing in more money I think he likes it better.  I hope these huge commission days continue- that would be awesome since I won't be making much money coming up here pretty soon (due to healing and being off work for up to 6 weeks).  That'd be one less thing to worry about.  :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My stupid fasting worked-- I was at the weight I needed to be and have a surgery date scheduled!!  MAY 18th is my big day!!  I actually was 3 lbs under what I was required to be at.  (Yay.)

When I ate today (so far I've had 1/2 cheeseburger and a couple fries from the hospital cafeteria) I felt so sick! 
I also had some surprise tests today-  6 vials of blood drawn, 2 chest X-rays... I have one stupid physical next week and then I am all DONE and can go into surgery in 15 days!!!!!    I was so excited when they told me it would be so soon.  That was very welcomed news for me.  Yay.    Right now, according to MY scales from my highest weight ever- I am down 35 lbs.  I still only wear one bracelet though because their starting number was 264 and today I weighed 250.  250 is my first little hurdle of weight to get under... which I'm right there- before surgery I should be right under 250- maybe I can make a goal for myself of 244- just to have a second bracelet... hmm, maybe- we'll see on that one. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

1 More Day...

One more day until my big appt with Dr. Chlysta and to schedule my surgery date (I hope at least).  I weighed myself today and the scale really did move in the right direction from fasting.  Yay.  I hope it moves just a hair more today/tonight/tomorrow because I need to weigh what it says I weigh with clothes on. 

My stomach does hurt- quite a bit actually- the pain comes and goes- like a pressure kind of pain.  ugh! 

I found out that Sonya (a friend of mine) is having her band reversed and getting a sleeve procedure soon.  I'm excited for her to be getting the sleeve instead of the band.  She's had nothing but problems with her band.  It slipped recently and now she developed a hernia too- it sounds really painful for her.  I am kinda glad that she might be going thru this with me though-- I'm so selfish sometimes with having someone else to lean on. 

I've been drinking mega amounts of water with MiO drink mix in them.  -- Then I pee 100 times a day.  That part is bad because sometimes I have to go when I'm on the phones- and I feel like my bladders about to explode.  Fun Fun.... but its all about the number tomorrow on the scale.   Tomorrow night I am going to EAT.  Not 3 days worth of food- but real food.  Yummy real food. 

My scale at home (unclothed) said 248.6  (add 5 for their scale differences and we're at 253.6) I need to be 254 or less- so just a tiny bit more to account for the weight of clothes and maybe give me a tad of cushioning too.  I'd love for their scale to be under 250 at some point before surgery. 

Oh man, My stomach is hurting... bad... not fun.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I have just two days left before the big appt with Dr. Chlysta and to hopefully schedule my surgery date. I'm on pins and needles.  I weighed myself today and it appears that I am a couple lbs over what I need to be-- so I'm fasting today and drinking tons and tons of water.  I'll also have to work out a bit too somewhere in these next two days.

I did the colon irrigation- which really wasn't bad at all.  I didn't lose a ton of weight like I was hoping for though.  they said it takes 3 sessions for results-- which costs $200- I don't exactly have that kind of money sitting around lately.  I did the one session which cost $85.  That was pushing it as it was. 

I felt awful today- really bad- but I'm doing a little better now and drinking tons of water with MiO drink mix in it.  I feel like I'm cheating on a test or something- but I HAVE to make my weight.  (253 or less) on Tuesday.  My scale says 253 today- but mine is 5 lbs off from theirs-  so that's why I'm freaking out!

More water-- more water-- more water.  I hope I can pull this off.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last of the tests? ...and colon irrigation?

I might have actually had the last of my tests for the pre-op stuff!

Friday:  I had the pulminary function test-- that consisted of getting my blood drawn from my artery in my wrist (OUCH) and then breathing into a bunch of plastic tubes while a computer measured my lung capacity.  I think that went fine.  There was drama getting into the appt- they didn't have the Dr.s orders for the test- and their office was closed (Good Friday).  I was also extremely late getting there- I got a little lost... it all worked out ok though.

Monday:  I had an ultrasound and a scan of my organs that are all around my stomach.  That all seemed fine too- they aren't allowed to give you any information on the results- a Dr has to review them and write a report or something-- anyways... I think they went fine.  I was so tired from that appt.  I worked til 3AM- got home at 4- didn't fall asleep for real and then up at 6 and out the door by 7 to make my 8:30 appt.  That one was much easier to find. 

Today, I got a call from the sleep center and they said I need a CPAP machine and that they are referring me to someone and they will be in touch with me asap. 

I'm also looking into colon irrigation.  I think it may help me shed a couple of pounds before my mega huge weigh in on Tuesday and the scheduling of my surgery date.  I need all the help I can get!  I think that might give me the edge I need to be the weight I need to be.  I've always wanted to do that and I think after surgery I won't be able to.  I don't mean I wanted to like it sounds so fun- just that it might help me feel better. 

I'm really hoping the last of all the tests was Monday- that would be great!  Unless there is something wrong, it should be the last of everything.  Yay.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I was super nervous about gaining any weight back.  I had my period (sorry TMI) and I ALWAYS gain 5 lbs from that... always.  I got on the scale today and it said   249.6  which means in the Drs office it will say 254. I get weighed in next Tuesday for the BIG appt.  I also get weighed in tomorrow too- but I don't think it counts as heavy as the other weigh in does.  So being close to the 253 that I was last week is a good thing.  I've been eating OK- not perfect- but not terrible either.  My food journal however-- that's another story- I haven't been doing it -- at all.  I need to catch it up and they want 'more detail'  Ugh.  I hate that part of it all.

Dr. Malec and I finally caught up the other day about my lab results- all was fine- but my thyroid was still off so she increased my medicine to 50.  I wanted that to happen- I haven't been less tired - I've been MORE tired since taking it.  I need to get the exhaustion issue under control.  Maybe CPAP will help that.  I don't know when I will be getting my machine just yet.  I assume that will be this week sometime.

NINE DAYS til my big huge appt.  9... wow.  I'll have a surgery date (hoping) in just 9 days.  I hope he can get me in quick too- like within 3 weeks- that would be awesome.

I also emailed a person in Mentor that has a spa with colon irrigation.  Its pricey- but I think I wanna try that and see if that will help me shed a few lbs right before the appt on May 3rd.  I don't know if I'll actually go thru with that or not-- but I'm considering it. 

Jim at Paul's work was let go-- we are a tad nervous about money - they just without warning got rid of him so would they just do that to Paul too?  We hope not.  His job kinda sucks - but its money coming in... I've been nervous about that too.  If he got laid off fired whatever I'd have to go back to full time during the time I really need to be healing and working out like crazy... ugh- lets hope it doesn't happen.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bruise city!

From all the bloodwork I had a week ago and then IV last Friday- I have 3 massive bruises on my arms and hand still... I bruise very easily and they were very aggressive with poking me with needles.  Today I hope that I can talk to the Dr.s offices and see my results for things so far and try to get some more appointments in for the next steps. 

I also took a laxative last night.  It helped a bit... I also started my period too-- so that's why I was having so many cravings and eating more than normal.  Stupid period.  Today my weight is a little high. (256) but it should drop in a few days on its own and I need to exercise and all that to keep it below 253 for the next weigh in- which I guess can be at any time.  Ugh!  That's a little nerve racking. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I hope I'm not packing on the pounds...

I've been eating terrible the past few days... a little salad, a lot of not salad... I need to turn it around again.  I can't gain an ounce otherwise they will postpone my surgery date.  I don't want that! 

I got a call from Kellie today asking what days I would be available for follow up visits for her to schedule for me... I said ANY day or time... she said OK I'll call you back with the appointment time... and then never called me back tonight,  I hope she calls tomorrow!  Weird. 

I also haven't gone in days.  I need to take care of that somehow.  Stupid slow moving pipes.  I don't like them.

I went to another pre surgical meeting again last night and part of a support group meeting.  I was the smallest person at the intro meeting- which made me feel good.  I also had a complement the other day 'you're going in for surgery?  You don't look big enough for that.'  Well, thank you- but I AM.  I want to be skinny again- not fluffy, chubby, fat, big, or any of that. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

More updates

I talked to Kellie today and she said they were confused by my FMLA paperwork request... they normally don't do FMLA stuff til after a surgery date is determined.  So I told her to do two sets of paperwork then- one for intermittent and one for continuous after the surgery.  Just fill out my paperwork chumps! 

I have an appt still on May 3rd with Dr. Chlysta and before then they have to run more tests.  Upper GI ultrasound, pulminary function test (breathing test).

She said if my weight is still good and if all of my test results come back good and they have openings then I will be scheduled for surgery.  I asked if everything was good will it be before the 4th of July-- she said yes. OK- that's really all I care about- I just not dragging on and on and on.

Tonight is the sleep apnea CPAP machine fitting.  I also think I might have hit my $5,000 for surgery thing already... I had the Sleep study- which was about $2,500 of the cost- then I had the scope- which is another who knows how much $$-- so I should've hit my max $5,000 out of pocket by now.  Hmm, I think I'll call them to find out about that.  I'm curious. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bracelet one pics

 Holy zits, Batman!  Also nice messy background... Me and the boy on April 17.
I really wanted to take pics at the BEGINNING of the night when my hair was bouncy and curly still- but some idiot didn't load the card in the camera.... (hint not me or the kid) so these are what we get- end of the night tired shots with fallen hair.  Oh well.  10 down from the last pics- not really any difference yet....

Note to self:  this super comfy bra gives no support- wear a different bra for future pics.  Oh it has light padding too -- so it looks like my boobs are all droopy to the floor (they aren't).


So Friday I was all out of it from the anesthesia because Paul 'claims' he told me that I was approved for surgery--- but I totally didn't hear that- then I was telling for the first time ever tonight my in laws about it (a decision that I battled with for a long time) and Paul chimes in and says 'you were approved'  WHAT?! 

I never knew before tonight otherwise I'd be jumping up and down all weekend.  My husband is a tard.  Anyways- that aside, I was approved!!!!!  YAY!

Talk Nerdy to me....

I happened across a comic that I like- here's an example of it's coolness...


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ouchie today

I had my 'surgery' yesterday.  It was just a scope down my throat to see into my stomach.  I got pics of it too- which I will post at some point- just I'm a little tired today.  It hurts to swallow today.  Not horrible pain- but the first time I felt it I was thinking what the ---?  I slept in again today.  I was really drowsie from all the stuff from yesterday- we all got up really early and then drove to Akron then got weighed in-- which I will say I MADE MY WEIGHT GOAL!!  And then on to the surgery center- which is about 15 miles away... Dr. Chlysta was running late with an 'emergency' and we had to wait an extra 2 hours.  We left the house at 7AM and got home at about 5PM.  We were all beat! 

I am super excited that I made my weight- that was very exciting to me.  I made it with 0.2 lbs to spare.  Talk about cutting it close!  I wore shorts (despite it being cold out) and the lightest shirt and underwear I could find- no socks.  I trimmed my hair, shaved everywhere, took a shower the night before, gargled, blew my nose, peed before the weigh in, took a water pill. trimmed my nails, on and on- anything I could think of to lose a gram even- and whew!  I just made it.  I was so excited in the Dr.s office on the scale.

Today I have all kinds of bruises-- I was treated like a pin cushion two days in a row.  One day for blood work and the next trying to get an IV into me.  I have a fairly high tolerance for pain so I don't complain- but I did make some faces that one of the nurses noticed- I have a very expressive face.  I can't really hide anything with it.

When I told Dr. Chlysta about the weight being made he said 'YES!' in a very excited way- I've never seen him get excited about something before.  (maybe he was thinking now he can afford that new boat... ha ha)

Today I feel groggy- although lately I feel groggy alot.  I am trying to get my Synthroid increased to 50 to see if that will help or not.  I hope it does.  I'm tired of being tired.

Monday I have another sleep study/fitting for my CPAP machine.  I have sleep apnea- woo hoo.  The good news though is I don't have to go to work again til next Friday.  I can handle all this nonsense if it means not having to go into work for a week.  :)

They still haven't heard back on the status of the approvals from the insurance company yet- but I partly blame Kelly for that- she called them at 5PM on a Friday and no one was there so she left a message.  Um, OK.... so maybe Monday I'll know something.  I found out that they (Dr's office) don't sell the Unjury, so I have to buy that online -but I did get some of the vitamins from them.

So, next week should be a big week of finding out lots of things.  I still can't gain any weight at all- in fact they want me to keep losing... so I need to be careful- but I hope its all good news next week.  I need some good news.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Possible goal.. Will this work?

So- my big weight loss after surgery is supposed to last for 6 months or so- that's when you can lose the maximum amount of weight - you can still lose later- but its a little more difficult.  I'd like to attempt to lose all the weight in those 6 months!  I know there's no magic switch that at 6 months a bell rings and signs that times up or anything like that - but I have a plan to try to take advantage of it--

by clumping weeks into 2 at a time - I can adjust how much I can hope to lose per week to hit about 100 lbs weight loss total (my plan actually does 113) and this would assume that I lose a couple of lbs more before the big date. 

Weeks 1+2     20 lbs.      6 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 3+4     10 lbs.      6 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 5+6       8 lbs.      7 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 7+8       8 lbs.       8 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 9+10     8 lbs.       8 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 11+12   8 lbs.       8 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 13+14   7  lbs.     10 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 15+16   7 lbs.      10 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 17+18   6 lbs.       12 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 19+20   6  lbs.      12 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 21+22   5  lbs.      12 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 23+24   5  lbs.      13 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 25+26   5 lbs.       13 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 27+28   4 lbs.        13 hrs./ week work out
Weeks 29+30   4 lbs.        13 hrs./ week work out
= 6 months       113 lbs. lost

Jeans that fit (that were too small)

The jeans I had on yesterday were way too big on me- I need to get rid of them ASAP and replace them with fitting ones.  The ones that I have on today are not too big-- and I'm so excited that they fit!  They are size 18 I think and at one point I couldn't even zip them up!  (that was 30 lbs ago).    I'll have to wear these for a while until they are too big on me too. 

I looked up all kinds of info on the Biggest Loser and found a bunch of girls that were starting out at about my weight/height/age and saw their stats week after week.  I'd like to try to pace them after surgery.  A few of them lost all of the weight in 17 weeks!  Wow- that's amazing to me! 

Today I ate a grilled chicken sandwich and some salad and drinking lots of water with Crystal lite in it.  My water bottle is working out pretty well so far. 

Tomorrow, I arranged for my mom to watch Evan overnight so that I can work out on Tuesday night and Weds morning as much as I want to -- I'm excited that I can get out when I need to and try to get a few more lbs off of me to make my big weigh in on Friday.  I'm still so nervous about this weigh in.  I really need to lose that last stupid 2 lbs.  Its all riding on 2 lbs.  Ugh! 

I also have been dreaming about the weight melting off of me- that'll be awesome- I can't wait to start seeing under 200 lbs!!  that will be a big happy day for me to be under 200 again- 199 - look out world!  I'll be celebrating!  ....with a banana smoothie or something.  LOL

I am getting sick of people giving me 'tips' and advice on weight loss- its not the advice that I hate (OK well I hate that too) but its mostly WHO is giving me the advice.  They are driving me nuts.  I'm holding off telling anyone else about the surgery because I just don't wanna hear the blah blah blah anymore.  'you know, you need to.....' Really?  So YOU have the secret to weight loss?  Really?  Have you looked in a mirror lately? 

I met a girl on facebook that lost over 220 lbs-- now she's someone that I can take advice from- she obviously is doing something right.  I don't know how long it took her to lose that- and I just met her so I don't think its really my business or anything- but I hope she can help inspire me to keep going.  I know there will be points during all of this that I will really need some inspiration to keep on going and continuing with the weight loss. 

The scale said 248 today

Woo hoo!  248 is a great sign- I need to be at 254 according to their scales on Friday.  Add a lb or 2 for clothes and then 5 lbs for their scale differences and I should still make it... still nervous though!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What to do with the old 'too big' clothes?

I would like to either a.) burn my old clothes, b.) or do something creative with them.

Maybe I can make a purse out of the old jeans or something?  Or maybe 100 purses?  (kidding) Hmmm, my creative wheels are turning in my head -- but now to just find the time to do all of these ideas that I have- that's always the problem.  Not enough time!!

My pants are all too big

I have nothing that really fits well.  All my fat girl clothes are too big (which is nice) but I'm running really low on stuff that fits me.  I had one pair that actually fell off of me as I walked.  (not good)  Losing 30 lbs will do that I guess (still only counting one bracelet though is what I decided)

Today I'm at work- boo.  I feel kinda sick.  I have a stomach ache and its hot outside (75) and my car is a disaster.  I did clean the downstairs of my house really well though- then my nephew was over and now its not as good.  I woke up late again today.  I'm having all kinds of issues sleeping at normal times.  I lay in bed alot but not really sleeping well.  I'm considering going on Ambien again- although it is kinda hard to get off of.  I need to work out at least 4 times this week- I have no idea how I'm going to fit that into my week- but I have to -- somehow.  I might need to have Paul watch Evan at work or have my mom watch him or something- we'll see. 

I was investigating my protein drinks last night- they are PRICEY!  But I guess if that's all you're drinking/eating all day its not that bad.  Its going to cost $3 or $4 per day just for the protein and then the milk and water additives are another $4 a day and then the vitamins- so about $10 a day for nutrition.  That seems high- so I wanna start buying stuff now when I can - and just try to get a little stock pile on it all.  I'd like to be about a month ahead of my purchasing needs.  That's the goal.  We'll see how that goes.  Its hard to drop $70 at once for a weeks worth of stuff... Lots of changes going on... lots!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cruisin' 50's Diner

I said I was going to eat bad and I did and it was goooood.
I had 'Lobster' Mac-n-Cheese.  I also got soup and mashed potatoes with it, but the boys ate that since I was full.  I drank a lot of water with MiO.  When I got home I had one piece of bread with butter (whole grain).  Now off to bed soon.  I went over all of the class stuff with Paul today.  This class actually didn't have 1/2 of the same stuff as the last class- the last class was so jammed with information that I was overwhelmed- this one wasn't like that at all.  It had far less info - they skipped the whole part about how to properly get out of bed after surgery and all the rehab stuff involved.

I'm all carbed up and it feels pretty good.  I think every now and then you just need some good old carbs to hit the spot.  I'm kinda happy about it.  I do need to go to sleep though- I barely slept last night (nervous about my weigh in) and had to leave the house really early to make it to Akron (55 miles away) by 9:00 AM.  I got up around 6.  I am beat!  I don't even know if I slept at all last night.

Paul was lecturing me about how all of this was 'avoidable' and how he could've told me everything and got me to lose weight-- eye roll city.  No comment.  I'll blog about him and his involvement in my weight gain over the years at some other point. No, its not all 'his fault'- but he did play a role in it--- for sure!!

Off to bed----


Today I had my class and then my big weigh in.  I found out that my scale is about 5 lbs off from theirs.   Their scale said I weighed 256.   I have another week to lose that other 2 lbs.  -- I was ticked.  I've been doing GREAT eating.  Really really good (almost perfect even) and to be off by 2 lbs was disappointing.  Tonight, I am taking a night off from my diet and then back to slamming it tomorrow- whoa whoa whoa- Kim- what are you doing?  Yep- I'm doing it.  I'm tired of eating rabbit food and then not 'going' and then not losing anything.  I took Senecot (laxative) TWICE this week in large quantities even and nothing happened.  That's messed up.  maybe if I eat some carbs and crap it will help everything move again?  Plus I need to just feel normal tonight.

The class itself went well- there were 3 really nice girls in there all about my age and size- I'm hoping that I see them in support meetings or whatever because I could actually see us keeping in touch for support or whatever.  Our class had a ton of people in it- one guy (who was 350+ maybe over 400) and then the rest of the class was the 4 younger women and the rest were older women.  About 4 of them looked exactly the same to me- that was weird.  Two older women were in BAD shape (canes, oxygen, etc) The younger women were all in good shape just heavy.  One girl almost didn't seem big enough to go thru surgery- she must hide her weight well.  She has to weigh at least 240 to qualify-- so I'm sure she is big enough- just didn't look it to me. 

Some people asked me if I was pre or post op-- LOL.  PRE-- you think I wanna look like this POST??  I guess since some people are mega huge you really can't assume where anyone else is in the process.

7 more days to drop 2 lbs.  The dietician gave me a menu plan for a week that will help me lose 7 lbs in one week.  I really think its a matter of things 'moving'.  I'm really discouraged about that.

Since I mentioned things moving-- I've always had an issue with things going slowly my whole life- I've taken laxatives, fiber, all kinds of things and I blame my weight gain in part to slow moving pipes.  Its hereditary- yipee.  When I get thin I might have to be on some kind of fiber plan to combat that.  Who knows how the pipes will work after surgery... After my gall bladder came out I was RUNNING to the bathroom sometimes after eating any million different trigger foods.  Later on I'll summarize what we learned in the class.  I'll need it for reference. 

Crap- I was really worried about my weigh in today- shaking at times even and I missed it by so little- I'm a bit upset about that- but glad I have another week to make the weight.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tomorrow is the big weigh in!

I am kinda nervous about it.  I weighed 252 this morning.  I took Senecot twice this week with nothing happening afterwards- that's not good.  I'll be basically fasting today with lots of water and then taking some water pills to get any excess water off of me-- so hopefully with clothes on tomorrow I can slide just under the 254 mark and be approved for this surgery.  I kinda just woke up today too-- I kept falling back asleep and I really started to get good sleep after Paul left- he was snoring so loud that I thought Evan was whispering 'Mom' to me so I popped up out of a fast sleep many times last night.  I had all kinds of vivid dreams last night.  That means I actually got into a deep enough sleep- yay.  I think I'm worrying a lot lately about all of this and not sleeping so great.  I worry a little about each thing along the way.

I have no idea if I blogged about this yet or not- but yesterday I finally got my leave rep to confirm that I have enough time for the past year accrued to qualify for FMLA for the surgery.  She kept saying 'yes, you're covered don't worry about it...' but she was answering the WRONG question.  I have TWO FMLA cases.  One open now and one opening tomorrow- she kept answering for the first one and I wanted to punch her in the face.  She said 'you aren't understanding my answer.'  I said 'no, YOU aren't understanding my question.'  I hear your retarded answer that you're giving me that is 100% wrong-- just listen with ears and not your butt for a minute and answer the right ricka racka question.  I hate HR people.  They all are crap.  Fortunately I've been on FMLA before so I know how they are now.  My last leave rep died recently so I have a new one.  Otherwise they said I'd have had her again.  (she was just awful).  This new one was seeming better until this whole last week long phone tag email tag fiasco.  Her numbers she is giving me don't make any kind of sense either- I did my own numbers to the date and mine were way different than hers were.  She ran hers by the pay period- so that's part of the difference- but I still think she did something wrong- anyways - It's approved and the case is started so I won't beat that to death anymore.  I hate when people tell me I'm wrong about something when I know for a fact that I am not wrong.

Off to drink some nice water and either find or buy water pills- I really think they will help for tomorrow.  I'll do anything to qualify for this.  I really want this. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sleep study stuff

Going to sleep in a hospital over an hour away from my house wasn't super awful- but I did miss my bed!  Oh, and the guys here too.  I hardly slept there.  I might have to go back- we'll see.  There are 2 reasons why I would have to go again.  1.  not enough data for them to read  2.  I have sleep apnea and they need to find treatment for me.  Hopefully I don't have to go back- but I am fully expecting them to tell me to come back at some point soon.  Next time I'll take an Ambien (they give them out) --although Ambien does do something to me- it makes me very uh, well I hit on Paul in my sleep when I'm on that stuff.   I of course have no recollection of it- so would that be good to take while I'm on camera?   Maybe not.  I did take an Excedrin PM while I was there but she took so long to get me hooked up to the wires that it kinda wore off by the time it was time for sleep. 

The girl that did the test 'Aimee' was 6-1/2 months pregnant with her second child.  This one is a boy and the first is a girl.  We got to know each other pretty well last night.  There was also a guy there that kinda resembled Vin Diesel a little (if you squint and he lost weight and didn't work out)- I'm glad I didn't have the guy hooking me up to all that stuff in my PJs. 

When I got up in the morning, I filled out a questionaire- they detached all the junk from me and I got dressed, cleaned up and left.  I went to McDonalds this morning (very bad Kim) but I ate Apples and then a little other stuff not quite as good- but I didn't go too far overboard.  The rest of today is slamming water, soup and salad.  I still weigh under the goal- so I should be fine for Fridays big weigh in.

I watched 'The Biggest Loser' last night on TV- I almost never watch TV- but there was nothing else to do there last night - so I did.  I hate how the show is so contrived and they play loud emotion inducing music to try to get a response out of the audience.  aside from that though- some of the contestants have lost over 100 lbs in 17 weeks.  That's pretty cool.  I might get a season of BL and try to 'compete' with them privately.  I guess they work out SEVEN HOURS per day!!  Wow!!  7?  Can I ever do that?  It doesn't sound possible right now to me.  - but maybe its something to shoot for. 

Now, I need Paul to find seasons 1-?? of the Biggest loser and see what their numbers were per week and their exercise regiments were.  From what I saw last night with them yelling out 'last chance workout' every 5 seconds (how annoying is that?) they make them do all kinds of cross training and they work them really hard.  Whatever it takes. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sleep apnea test tonight!

Yippee.  I get to drive to Akron tonight and sleep alone in an unfamiliar bed and be awoken at 7:30 AM.  (middle of the night to me since I work later).  Paul says I have sleep apnea (like he knows) but if I do I guess they sell you some very pricey sleep gear... not looking forward to that at all.  My mom has the machine and all that and its loud and annoying... I guess in the hospital you have to bring your sleep apnea stuff with you.  They tell everyone that, as if every fat person has sleep apnea.  I know zero about it.  I don't really want to find out about it either because I doubt I'll ever wear that stupid mask for sleeping.  Its just a step to get approved for surgery- nothing more to me.  Lots of appointments coming up this month. 

The scale went up a hair.  Last night I ate 2 pieces of whole grain bread with butter and had a plain grilled chicken sandwich.  I did bad- but I was craving that so bad.  The scale now says 252.  Ugh!  So now its more focus focus focus for the next couple days until the big weigh in on Friday.  I'm still under 254 (which is all I need to be at for them) and that's even in the middle of the day and clothed... so hopefully all is still well with that.  I'm not too worried today about it. 

Things haven't been moving much lately so I took a handful of Senecot last night.  Needless to say today I had a horrible stomach ache -- but nothing really happening still.  Fantastic.  Just please don't 'kick in' while I'm having my sleep study.  My mom said they have to come in the room to remove junk off your head every time you try to get out of the bed to pee or anything.  Fantastic.  Just what I need- an audience while I pee. 

I hope this sleep test goes ok and just gets over with.  The more I think about it the more I don't want to do it.  I know I have to though- so that's the only thing keeping my appt right now. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Woo hoo!

This morning I was really excited that the scale said 248.6-- then I weighed myself again and it said 251.2-- oh well- really really close to being under 250- It'll happen- soon!

The reason I'm excited is because today was full of pretty good news for me-
1.  I got news that my FMLA hours are at 1270 and I need 1250 to be approved.  (talk about cutting it close!)
2.  I talked to Kellie today (surgeons assistant) and she scheduled me an appt for my follow up with Dr. Chlysta on Tuesday, May 3rd at 3:00.  This is the date that I should be able to schedule my surgery date with him!!!
3.  All of the paperwork is complete and they are submitting everything to the insurance company this week- Kellie said it takes 1-2 weeks to hear back from them on the approval--

So things are really moving now!!  I get my big weigh in this Friday- so that means really continuing to do perfectly over the next few days with the cabbage soup diet and trying to work out a bit too.   I would love to be at 244 by Friday- is that possible?  Hmmm- maybe.  I'd have to really work hard though for that. 

Well, I'm excited excited excited!!  I can't wait to have the surgery, recover, and start losing tons of weight-- I really want to be thin again!  :) 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm so close to being under 250...

this morning the scale said 251.6 or whatever the number was after the point.  I bought myself a second bracelet for the upcoming next 10 lbs.  I have no idea why I'm listing my weight now- but I will-- 264 was my starting point with the medical team.  I think my highest weight ever was 280 (yikes!!) that's when I decided to have the surgery- there was no way I'd ever get to 300 anything.  That would be beyond ridiculous (not that 250 isn't ridiculous).

Tonight I had salad and more salad and some steak (steak at home).  I'm not following the cabbage soup diet 100% anymore.  I'm making adjustments to it a little- but still sticking with the foods that they allow you to eat (fruits, veggies, bananas, a little meat and lots of soup).  I made a second batch of soup today but haven't eaten any yet today. 

My second bracelet I got at Drug Mart tonight.  It's silver toned and really thin - I figure if I have 13 bracelets on they need to be kinda on the thin side.   Maybe one or two can be larger- but most need to be thin so I can fit them all on there. 

Tuesday is my sleep apnea test- that's exciting that something is finally moving forward for me with the process. 

I got my bracelet today for free with a $25 gift card from Drug Mart- I bought strawberries, bananas, salad mix, and a few other things with the card too.

I went to Wendy's because I wanted something with 'substance' to it- so I got a pecan chicken salad (1/2 size) no dressing.  The tiny bit of chicken on it was really good and I think I miss meat a bit.

I hope tomorrow the scale moves to under 250- I will be so excited.

My mom saw me yesterday and said my pants were too big- woo hoo!  They used to be kinda tightish on me- alot of my clothes are starting (just a little) to be too big- I can't wait til they are all too big.  I'll probably burn all my fat clothes.  I never want to see them again after I'm too small for them.  Eh, maybe I'll give them away- who knows...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Confusing math...

My highest weight of my life (which may or may not be accurate because it was on the scale that is always way higher than all other scales-- I need to throw that one out) anyways- the highest weight of my life is currently 29 lbs higher than I weigh now.  I have no idea what number I'm going to use.  That one?, the one from when I first set foot in the Dr.s office?  I have no idea.  Is that largest number accurate?  It will make for a much bigger 'wow' at the end of all this seeing that higher number- which is about 20 lbs give or take. 

Hmm, I have no idea what numbers I'm going to use as my starting number.  I need to figure it out though and kinda quick.

I bought my first bracelet!!

I went to Kohl's on lunch and got a nice little silver bracelet that was on sale for 60% off and an additional 15% off- normally $50- but paid $18 for it after tax.  It's totally worth $18 (not $50)

Today I ate:
1 bowl of cabbage soup
carrot sticks
5 16 oz waters with MiO (so far)

Still riding high from the scale reading today-- yay.  I even emailed the team at AGH to let them know about it and they responded with a 'great job' kind of an email back.  :)

I also made an appt with my Dr for Thursday April 14th at 10:45.  This is a pre-op screening of everything with me.  Its kinda one of the last things before they submit for approvals.  Then I guess I have to wait for the insurance company to say yes they wull pay for the rest of it after all the paperwork is submitted.  I have a feeling that part is going to be the worst part of the entire process. 


I didn't actually buy a bracelet yet- but I earned one today-- I met my weight goal for surgery- woo hoo!!!  I'm still going to diet til the weigh in like crazy though because I want a little extra insurance for the weigh in.  I'm so excited that the scale is down 10 lbs now-- yippee!!!!!

Yesterday I ate:
1 bowl of soup
a big salad at WL - then got a bowl of just lettuce again.  I got everything on the side and used just a drop of cheese and the dressing- I gave the croutons and the bacon all away to the guys.
I had lots of water with MiO drink mix in it.

I'm so excited that I made my weight goal-- now to focus on the next 10 lbs.

Update: Right before I got in the tub, I weighed myself again and it said 2 lbs lower--  my clothes weighed 2 lbs?  I doubt that- but hey, I'll take a move on the scale again if it gets me 2 lbs closer to my next 10 - I mean 8 to go!  :) 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Such a headache!

I woke up late again today and with a pounding headache.  Caffeine withdrawl?  Pretty sure it is.  I need to grab some headache medicine or something soon here.  No pop sucks.  Time for some nice water-- with flavoring.  I ate 1/2 the pot of soup yesterday- I think I'll need to make more tonight- I really thought it was going to last me a whole week-- well I guess when you eat almost nothing else it goes fast.

Here's what I ate on Weds:
  • numerous bowls of soup 
  • 1/2 apple
  • lots of water (flavored of course)
  • a tiny smoothie made of strawberries, bananas, high protein yogurt and skim milk  (that was the only fruit thing I had in the house so since it had bananas in it, I drank very little of it- just a few sips)
I bought some Ensure and Viactiv chews for later - they were on sale and coupons so I stocked up a little on them- 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I just came up with an idea!  Prizes for each weight loss goal (in addition to the bracelets).  I'm having Paul help me come up with the prize list though- I'm not really thinking of the 'whats' just yet. 

Ideas: (all in addition to a yet to be determined style of bracelet)
10 lbs - new workout pants
20 lbs - new workout shirt
30 lbs - super slimming girdle
40 lbs - ???
50 lbs - new tennis shoes (not cheap ones)
60 lbs - ??
70 lbs - ??
80 lbs - ??
90 lbs - ??
100 lbs - shopping spree at Victoria's Secret
110 lbs - ??
120 lbs - ??
130 lbs - new iPod

I don't know what they will be exactly yet- but stuff to look forward to at each level and have them get better as the progress gets better.

I also was looking up Biggest Loser apparel- they have some nice slimming items that I want.  Kinda pricey to get all of them (hundreds of dollars) so I'll shop a bit before I drop any cash on anything. 
Ooh- excited!  Going to eat some soup-- yum yum

Making the gross soup... I mean delicious soup!

The soup is on the stove now simmering.  I just took my Synthroid medicine so I can't eat for about an hour or so- which should be about the time the soup is done.  I make it different than Paul does.  I let the veggies sit in the hot pan for a while first to kinda get them cooking a bit- I don't think he does that- I think he boils them all - I like my cabbage as wilty as possible so I can barely notice its there.

Target has a sale on MiO drink mix- $3.50 each- WYB 2 you get a free 24 pack of water.  I have 2 $1 off coupons also - so $5 for for 2 drink mixes plus a case of water is a great deal.  The drink mixes are $4 each at Giant Eagle- so I went yesterday and they were sold out- but they were hoping to get more today on the truck-- so hopefully I can run up there today and stock up on some.  That would be nice.  I need to drink 100% water and nothing else now.  That's going to be the biggest change I have to make.  I had my 'last few pops' last night at WL.  Man, I did so bad yesterday.  I took a handful of Senekot to try to reverse some of that.    

I have a plan- to have the most fun ever this week with shopping, watching funny movies, etc- so that it distracts me from the horrors of the disgusting diet.  I wonder if I could throw the soup in the blender and drink it?  Hmm... I might have to try that later if I get super sick of it.

Oh yeah, I made my soup a little different than the directions below...
1 bunch of organic green onions, chopped
1 bag of coleslaw mix
1 large green pepper
1 bottle of V8 Juice
1 packet of Onion and Mushroom Lipton soup mix
2 TBS of Beef Boullion
1 bottle worth of water (I filled the V8 bottle to measure)
a dash of onion salt, garlic powder

I hate celery with a passion so that's not included in this.  It might be in the V8 juice, but at least I can't taste it.

I sprayed the pot with cooking spray.  Threw in the onions, coleslaw mix, green peppers and let it cook on high heat for a few minutes.  When the cabbage was reduced to about 1/2 then I added in the juice and the rest of it.  I stirred, tasted and decided it needed the boullion.  It may even need a little more in the end.  I want the soup to reduce a little before I eat it.  As long as Paul stays away from it, it should last me the whole week

***Update later***
The soup is actually pretty good!  It needs to be served very hot and I let it simmer for so long that it condensed a bit- so its good-- yay.  I've been doing really well today.  Now to find a working scale and see progress....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ughh! I did terrible today!

I got a call from my mom that she needed me to pick her up for her appt at 8AM... so I got breakfast at McDonald's-- then I had Panera for lunch and then steak and toast for dinner.  I did so bad.  Today was supposed to be day one of the cabbage soup diet- but now that will be tomorrow instead. 

I almost bought a new scale yesterday--- then I didn't-- today I almost bought batteries for my digital scale and my card was declined (?) so I didn't.  Very odd how nothing was working out for me to buy new scale items.  Oh well.  Tomorrow is the big yucky diet day.

My sister just told us they were moving to NC but now it looks like they won't be.  I'm kinda glad about it- I think they are pretty upset though.  NC is a long drive away for me to see my nephews.

Last night Paul took 'before' pics of me.  I did a front left right and back shot.  I tried not to actually look at the pictures.  I still don't know if I'll ever post them- even though no one really knows about my blog.  You just never know when someone may stumble across something online. 

I told my mom my starting weight.   I can't believe I told her- although it is kinda easy to figure out from some of the clues on this blog.   When I'm far removed from this weight it should be easier to say the number- but for now it still seems shameful to say something so so big.  I know there's worse.  300, 400, 500 etc... I'm no where near those numbers- but still-- 2 anything is just yucky.

Tomorrow: fruit and soup... mmm-mmm.  Can't wait!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Details on cabbage soup diet


  • 6 large green onions
  • 2 green peppers
  • 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole)
  • 1 bunch celery
  • 1/2 head cabbage
  • 1 package dry onion soup mix
  • 1 or 2 cubes bouillon/stock cubes either chicken or beef (optional)
  • Salt, pepper, parsley, garlic powder, curry powder or soy sauce to taste (or any other seasoning you like).
Spray a large pot with cooking spray and sauté all vegetables except cabbage and tomatoes until tender. Add cabbage and about 12 cups (2.83 litres) of water. Toss in bouillon cubes, soup mix, and seasoning. Cook until soup reaches desired tenderness. Add tomatoes.
To keep the recipe interesting you can make a base soup and then add seasoning/herbs each day for different flavours.
Note: There are a number of variations to this recipe.


Beverages are limited to water, and unsweetened fruit juice on days when fruit is allowed. This is a typical outline of the diet:[4]
  • Day 1 - Cabbage soup plus as much fruit as you like, excluding bananas
  • Day 2 - Cabbage soup plus vegetables including 1 baked potato with a little butter
  • Day 3 - Cabbage soup plus fruit and vegetables excluding potatoes and bananas
  • Day 4 - Cabbage soup plus up to eight bananas and as much skimmed milk as you like
  • Day 5 - Cabbage soup plus up to 10 ounces of beef and up to six tomatoes
  • Day 6 - Cabbage soup plus as much beef and vegetables (excluding potatoes) as you like
  • Day 7 - Cabbage soup plus brown rice, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and unsweetened fruit juice

Cabbage soup diet (to cheat)

I'm 6 lbs away from my goal weight today (according to my inaccurate scale downstairs)- I started my period and am all bloaty- so I'll probably be ok- but just in case-- I'm going to do the cabbage soup diet for some extra insurance - I want to be a little under the weight they gave me.  I need to get a new scale still-- the 2 I have are ugh! Neither ever match the Dr.s office scales.  Mine are always much higher than there's are- which in some ways is good--

I need to take my 'before' pictures either tonight or soon.  I don't know if I'll post them now or not though... that's kinda scary- I might just wait until I start losing mega amounts of weight and show where I was.  We'll see.  This is all new to me and I make up the rules as I go a bit.

I missed work yesterday and will again today.  I missed a dose of my Celexa- which sends me into a tailspin when that happens.  I do get paid 100% for it though since its a 'medical condition' and FMLA pays for it.  This will be day 3 and 4 that I used up.  I still have a ton of time left- so I'm not worried about 'using it all up' or anything like that.

I ate some of the crappy soup and a few salads last night.  Paul loves that soup and he said he needs to drop 6 lbs.  (massive eye roll at him needing to lose anything).  My husband weighs the same as when I met him- maybe 10 lbs more of muscle- and 1/2 lb of fat-- if that.  He has a slight slight layer of fat on his stomach and NO WHERE else.  Great, now if he reads that he'll be doing sit ups for a week... I'd love for him to gain 10 more lbs - heck, 20!  When I'm down to my goal weight, I need to weigh less than him- at least 1 lb.  The booger will probably then go on a 'diet' to be a lb less than me then.  I'd love to get to the point where we have a little time together each week to work out- that would be nice.  Maybe when Evan goes to school we can in the morning before he goes to work or something-- that would be awesome.

I need to pick up more cabbage for my soup (blech!!) Paul made a batch with bacon and some other no-no stuff in his- so I have to make my own.  I'm starting to eat it tomorrow (Tuesday) and in great quantities- whatever the diet calls for.  That diet works- its just sticking to it-- blech again.  But its just 10 days- I can handle that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Possible Bracelet design

I like these bracelets- they come in a set of 12-- which means I'd just need one more silver bracelet to make 13.  These cost $30. 

I resisted the Bacon and Cheese biscuit!

Woo hoo-- I didn't get the food that I was craving.  Yesterday though I kinda did bad.  I had ice cream.  I ate hardly anything all day- so calorie-wise I was probably in a good range- but sugars and carbs were way high.  I need to weigh myself tonight.  I have 2 weeks left until my big qualifying weigh in.  Time to REALLY get serious.  Depending on how tonights weigh in goes, I may start the cabbage soup diet.  I hate that diet- but I have to make my weight.  I also need to work out tonight for at least 1/2 hour.  I keep dreaming about kick boxing.  I think I wanna take a class (after I shed a few lbs first- can you imagine a fat chick trying to kick box?)

Oh, in other news- I told my sister.

It went way better than I thought it was going to go- I was dreading it and she was supportive and surprisingly excited for me. 

My mom has a colonoscopy on Tuesday so I have to drive her to Cleveland for that and then my sister has an operation to remove something on her shoulder in May.  I'm hoping my surgery will be when hers is- or about the same time- hers is the end of May which is the target that I am really hoping for.

Upcoming junk:
April 5th - Sleep Apnea test 8:30 pm
April 8th - morning class (my second time taking it- there's a lot of info, I may take it a third time)
April 15th- my scope surgery in Akron

It's getting closer and closer-- I can't wait!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I want to eat that! ...but I shouldn't

I have 18 days to lose 4 or 5 lbs.  I really want McDonald's on the way home.  I've been eating perfectly - well 99% perfectly and I really want a bacon egg and cheese biscuit.  We'll see if I can resist or not.  Its not the end of the world if I do- but will I feel defeated if I eat it?  IDK... I'll try to resist it. 

Still no bracelets- I really want a bracelet!! I know they will be piling up (at least I hope so) as soon I have the surgery- but I want it nooooooow (my Varuka Salt immitation). 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The scale moved and I'm done with my 6 months!!

In order to get approved for surgery, there are MANY things you have to do---
1. attempt 6 months of Dr. assisted weight loss
2. Lose a certain amount of weight based on your BMI - I have to lose 10 lbs from my start date.
3. You need to have a sleep apnea test, all vitamins checked, EKG, Girl test, scope, psych evaluation -- and whatever else I may be forgetting.

Today was the last day of my 6 month Dr assisted Diet,  I'm not done seeing Dr. Malec, but for the weight loss portion I am done!  (yay!)
I ate very little yesterday and nothing today and took water pills-- I ended up being down 4 lbs from my last visit with her.  I still have 5 lbs to go to qualify for the surgeon.  I still have several weeks left for that weigh in so it should be ok.

I met with the fitness trainer the other day and they told me the opposite of what my surgeon told me for working out-- so yeah, I'm a little confused,  I'm taking the stairs more at work and other steps like that.  I need to increase my working out time though-- by alot and quick.

Today I called about money - I was FREAKING OUT about how I am going to pay for all of this-- insurance companies are a nightmare to deal with sometimes.  I'm trying to make sure everything is lined up before I start incurring a ton of expenses without any way to pay for them.  I think its all figured out though.

I called Kellie today to ask a million questions- first I asked her if she had time to talk- she said yes- so I starting asking and talking-- then she says 'I'm with a patient' OMG- I just asked you if you had time and you said yes.... grrr!  I felt like an idiot then.

I also snapped at Paul today- maybe its from the low blood sugar or something???  I didn't sleep so well last night- that may also be why I am cranky.  Evan was not feeling well (he pulled his neck from doing forward rolls down the stairs) and was very needy yesterday and last night.  He woke me up about 20 times.
I told a few more people via email about the surgery- but still not my sister yet.  I'm just still not ready to have a big long discussion about it. 
The worst is when People don't respond at all to letting them know about it.  (Bridget and Nina)  that is just weird- and I don't know how to react to that.

Last week my sister in law had a miscarriage- my mother in law told us- not them yet.  I feel bad for them- also there is all kinds of junk happening in Japan from a huge earthquake-- I'm sure she's super stressed right now--- I feel super stressed too- but mine is obviously different.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The scale isn't moving.

I went into work for a tiny little shift and weighed myself on the gym scale after work.... it didn't move down at all.  I was disappointed.  I stepped on and off the scale over and over seeing if it would change its mind... it didn't.  I'm still eating perfectly- well, I had a part of a bun the other day- but only part.  Way better than I normally eat.

I am completely utterly exhausted all the time- I could sleep non-stop.  I think it may be the caffeine withdrawl.  I hope that's all it is.  I was hoping the Synthroid would offset that - oh well.

I bought a bunch of bottled water and Crystal Light for home.  I'm going to be going thru the Crystal Light really fast.  (is it lite or light?) I also have lots of stomach aches I think from the shock of healthy food in my system. 

I'm mentally drained and physically exhausted.  I feel like a slug.  I have to quickly figure out how to reverse all of this. 

I'm still excited and anxious about the surgery- but right now its more anxious about losing these stupid 8 lbs.  I need to weigh in again at the work scale tomorrow because my scale at home moved a little- well, a lot actually... but I have no idea if its accurate or not.  I can't imagine I lost 7 lbs in a day... so I'm thinking I either need batteries for the digital scale upstairs or I need to invest in a new scale altogether.  I need to start obsessing about the scale like I did when I was thin.  I need to think thin thoughts again, not fatso thoughts.

I also told Evan last night about the surgery. He cried at first and said he didn't want me to have it- but when I explained more about it and how it would make me skinny - he seemed pretty happy about it and told his dad 'mom is getting a surgery so she won't be fat.'  BTW I hate the word 'fat'.  I despise it.  At least having it pertain to me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Team that I'm going to

Our Team
Dr. ChlystaAt Akron General, we understand that obesity is a disease, and you need a team you can trust if you're going to beat it. Led by experienced surgeon Walter Chlysta, MD, FACS, our team includes dietitians, psychologists, registered nurses, health and fitness professionals and surgical technicians, all focused on preparing you for surgery and helping you keep the weight off after surgery.
Ohio native, Walter J. Chlysta MD, FACS, is a Board Certified general surgeon with a practice that focuses on general surgery, endoscopy and other advanced laparoscopic procedures.
As one of the few Northeast Ohio surgeons who offer the laparoscopic gastric banding procedure and the laparoscopic gastric bypass, he has performed over 300 laparoscopic Roux-en-Y surgeries and over 50 gastric banding procedures during his 16 years of experience with laparoscopic surgery. Vertical sleeve gastrectomy has recently been added as another option for weight loss.
His background is as follows: Dr. Chlysta graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Kent State University with dual major in chemistry and pre-medicine; was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honorary Society; and graduated Cum Laude with medical degree from The Ohio State University College of Medicine. He completed his surgical internship and residency at Akron General Medical Center. Dr. Chlysta’s main clinical interest was advanced laparoscopic surgery.He went on to receive additional training in advanced laparoscopic surgery at The Yale Laparoscopic Center in New Haven, Connecticut.
In 2001, he was Board Certificated by The American Board of Surgery, and appointed Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery at the Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine. In 2003, he was granted Fellow status in the American College of Surgeons (FACS), and then admitted as a full member of the American Society of Bariatric Surgery in 2004.
Dr. Chlysta was appointed Medical Director of the Bariatric Center at Akron General Medical Center in 2005.
June Adams, RN, Operating Room
Adriane Bennett, PhD, Psychology Services Services
Cathleen Burke, RN, CBN, Bariatric Center Program Coordinator
Michelle Dudek, MPT, Supervisor of Rehabilitation Services
June Adams, RN, Operating RoomAdriane Bennett, PhD, Psychology Services Services Cathleen Burke, RN, CBN, Bariatric Center Program CoordinatorMichelle Dudek, MPT, Supervisor of Rehabilitation Services
Rose Fowler, Secretary for Dr. Chlysta
Chris Freas, PT, Physical Therapist
Alan Gilbertson, PhD, Chief of Psychology
Kellie Huey, Secretary for Bariatric Center
Rose Fowler, Secretary for Dr. ChlystaChris Freas, PT, Physical TherapistAlan Gilbertson, PhD, Chief of PsychologyKellie Huey, Secretary for Bariatric Center
Kim Knopp, MS, RD, LD, CDE, Registered DietitianKathy Kolton, RN, Manager Surgical ServicesRenee Markovich, MD, FAAFP, Associate Program Director, Center for Family MedicineJoshua McNatt, MD, Green Primary Care
Kim Knopp, MS, RD, LD, CDE, Registered DietitianKathy Kolton, RN, Manager Surgical Services Renee Markovich, MD, FAAFP, Associate Program Director, Center for Family MedicineJoshua McNatt, MD, Green Primary Care
Joyce Moore, Director of Nursing 52AMarc Shultz, Surgical Assistant, Operating RoomCindy Smith, Secretary for Psychology ServicesJodie Weckbacher, Surgical Technician
Joyce Moore, Director of Nursing 52AMarc Shultz, Surgical Assistant, Operating RoomCindy Smith, Secretary for Psychology ServicesJodie Weckbacher, Surgical Technician

Kellie is awesome!  Without her, I wouldn't have chosen Akron General.  My Shrink is not pictured in here- she must be newer.  Kim is the Dietician I deal with.

Good write up on the Sleeve

taken from:

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Vertical Gastrectomy or Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), was first developed in 1993 and was further revised and then offered to morbidly obese patients in 2001 for weight loss. VSG historically had been performed only as the first stage of Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) in patients who may be at high risk for complications from more extensive types of surgery. These patients’ high-risk levels are due to body weight or medical conditions. However, more recent information indicates that some patients who undergo a VSG can actually lose significant weight with VSG alone, and avoid a second procedure. It is not yet known how many patients who undergo VSG alone will need a second stage procedure.
Artist's rendition of a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy The Sleeve Gastrectomy is an operation that limits how much food you can eat by significantly reducing the size of your stomach (by 75% or more) but does not lead to decreased absorption of food. The left side of your stomach is surgically removed, resulting in a new stomach, which is roughly the size and shape of a banana and holds 2-3 oz. It is carried out laparoscopically with 5 or 6 very small incisions, and is therefore much less traumatic than open surgery, with a shorter healing time and less risk. Since this operation does not involve any "rerouting" of the intestines, it is a simpler operation than the Gastric Bypass, and you will suffer none of the side effects experienced by bypass patients because your digestion is unaltered.
The portion of your stomach that is removed is responsible for secreting Ghrelin, which is a hormone that is responsible for appetite and hunger. By removing this portion of your stomach, this possibly eliminates most Ghrelin hormone production and helps to reduce the sensation of hunger that people have. The removed section of the stomach is actually the portion that "stretches" the most. The long vertical tube shaped stomach that remains is the portion least likely to expand over time and it creates significant resistance to volumes of food. Not only is your appetite reduced, but also very small amounts of food will give you early and lasting feelings of fullness!
Currently Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is a covered benefit for some insurance companies, but may be considered investigational by others.

Eating pretty well (healthy)

Since I started taking Synthroid (4 days ago), I've been tired - I thought it was supposed to reverse exhaustion issues- but I guess I need to give it time or whatever... but sleeping more means eating less because I wasn't awake to actually eat a whole lot.

I've been eating small portions of steak and today I'm munching on salad all day (no dressing).  So far so good.  I'm drinking one Diet pop today but will refill the cup with water for the rest of the day while I'm at work.  I drink lots of water at work- not so much at home though.  I need to figure out how to change that at home somehow. 

Sundays I work til 3AM- which is really hard to work out after work when its so late.  I did sign up for some OT for Weds though so I can work out after I work a whopping 2 hours that night.  I'd like to try to come out to work 1 or 2 nights a week and work just a tiny little shift and then work out afterwards.  I think that will help with my work out goals.  

I do want to get on the work scale downstairs tonight to see if I've lost anything though.  I haven't been weighing myself at all lately.  I know that's probably wrong- but the home scales NEVER match the Dr scales so I almost think why bother.  ? 

Ok- still kinda pumped about my progress... I have to shop for all kinds of good foods though- my house doesn't have much of it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Finally things are starting to go forward

I haven't blogged in a while because really there wasn't much to blog about.  There finally is stuff to talk about again and I have a renewed sense of excitement.

Now, where to start?

I technically am on my last month of the Dr. Assisted diet with the weigh ins.  Which I really didn't take too seriously to be honest.  I've lost 2 lbs according to the Surgeons scales- which I have tons of excuses why it was only 2 down-- I'll skip that for now.

Bottom line:  I need to lose 8 lbs (to complete my 10 criteria) in the next 4 weeks.  If I do that then he will schedule a surgery date for me.
I'm done with seeing the shrink- it was a complete waste of my time. 
I have a class and a sleep apnea test on April 8th.  I got the day already approved off at work.
I have an operation on April 15th.  Its really just a scope to look inside me and make sure everything is ok for surgery- but they knock you out for it and give you pain medication for afterwards- I guess I can't drive for 24 hours after. 

 I found out that I have a low thyroid (5.6 or something) so I just started taking Synthroid.  I posted on facebook that I'm taking it and a ton of other people are on that too.  They all say it helps.  I hope that will fix my exhaustion issues.  I increased my vitamin D a little- I'm at 29.5 which is still bad (it should be between 40-100).  I would love to have my D at 50 before surgery. 

I could actually have this surgery within the next 3 months.  That is quite exciting to me.

I was going to have a person to go thru this with at work, but she backed out of it and decided to not have the surgery.  Its totally her decision, but it would've been nice to go thru this with someone.

I'm very glad that the thyroid issue was discovered.  It makes me feel validated a little to have a reason for being so tired all the time.  I've only been on it for 2 days - so I see no difference.

Telling people about the surgery ---
I told my mom from the get-go.  She's known forever.  I told a few friends on facebook and other close friends that I trust and my managers too and a few people I sit near (they're going to be hearing me talk to Drs and stuff so I wanted to just tell them so they weren't guessing what I was doing)
I told one of my sisters and a sister in law.  They both had tons of concerns and way too many questions- so I'm really backing off of telling people for a while.  It was really draining for me to go into depth on the procedures and how I came to the decision and all that stuff.  So I haven't told my other sister yet.  Its nothing against her, its just that I really can't handle going thru all of the explanation again right now.  I will eventually tell her- but I'm just not ready to.  I still haven't decided what I'll tell people as they see me shrinking.  I'll be dieting and working out all the time- so diet and exercise is the truth... I don't really want to say 'I had the surgery' because I feel like people will then downplay my efforts to lose weight and get into shape again.  I want all the credit. LOL

Paul is starting to come around and be supportive.  He wasn't unsupportive (sure, that's a word) before, but he's starting to take an interest in things - at least a little.  I'm happy with the amount of interest he's taking. Too much and I'd get angry- none and I'd get angry too.  He knows me pretty well.  :)

 I joined the gym at work a month or so ago.  I actually really go- once a week.  I need to start going more.  Eventually I have to go 5 times a week 30-60 minutes a day.  I'll get there.

I ran into 'I had cancer' (I call her that because EVERY time you talk to her she mentions that she had cancer at least 100 times) - well she just had her surgery 2 weeks ago and she is down 14 lbs already.  She had the sleeve too and she weighs close to what I do I'd guess.  So that was super encouraging to see that its working so well for her already.  And, yes, she did mention that she had cancer when I talked to her.